Chapter 7: Dressed as a spare tire in a love essay 7

Comenzar desde el principio

After the deputy head made the announcement, the two-story-high curtain slowly opened to both sides, and the band's prelude also sounded.

The concern in the dream is a slightly adapted foreign song, which expresses the longing for a distant relative. The tune is very high, and a clear and clean voice is required to sing the artistic conception of the lyrics and music. The tenor cannot sing the ethereal feeling of the original singer.

Ye You's voice just happens to be very clear and clean, able to sing an ethereal feeling. When his clear singing voice came out, it was like a clear spring in the deep mountain flowing into the hearts of the listeners. There was a clear feeling of washing people's hearts, which made people very comfortable and enjoyable to listen to. The treble and pitch are also quite stable. .

As the strongest sniper in the special operations team, Du Yao has much better eyesight than the average person, not to mention that he is sitting in the second row now and can clearly see Ye You's appearance, and even the look in Ye You's eyes. can see. Ye You's singing, like a pair of gentle hands, entered his heart without any hindrance. He thought that all the powerful mind guards gave up resistance, and his heart, which was originally hard as stone, was also touched by those hands at this moment. and become soft.

"I'm getting married." Du Yao looked at Ye You, but he said this to Lin Dong who was sitting next to him.

Lin Dong was enjoying Ye You's singing, and his heart was intoxicated. Du Yao's voice suddenly brought him back to reality, then turned to look at him and asked, "What did you just say?"

Ye You's singing made the soldiers in the audience incomparably enjoy, and they felt that their souls were greatly comforted. His bass was friendly and soft, which made the lyrics profound and touching. The mood of , along with his singing one after another, is a wonderful feeling intoxicating.

Lin Dong, who was immersed in Ye You's singing, was forcibly pulled back to reality by Du You, but he had always been able to listen to Bafang and pay attention to any movement, but he did not hear what Du Yao, who was sitting next to him, said.

"What did you just say?" Lin Dong asked again. He had a premonition that what he didn't hear clearly was a sentence that would shock him.

"I said, I'm getting married." At the same time as Du Yao spoke, his eyes did not move away from Ye You's face for a second. Even at such a distance, he could clearly see Ye You's smooth and fair face. skin.

Lin Dong's eyes widened immediately, his hunch was as accurate as ever, Du Yao's words really surprised him, he looked at Ye You in the stands and Du Yao next to him, swaying in his heart. Because he wanted to listen to this song seriously, but because of the tendency of curiosity, he wanted to ask Du Yao immediately, the entanglement and swaying made him immediately realize that he would definitely waste it. It's a rare moment of enjoyment.

Lin Dong thought, if it wasn't Du Yao who interrupted him, after the performance, he would definitely beat him to vent his anger. But it was Du Yao who interrupted him. He didn't even dare to have the idea of ​​venting his anger, because only himself would be beaten.

Lin Dong could only sigh deeply in his heart, and then asked, "Captain, you don't even have a marriage partner, who are you marrying?"

"The marriage partner is already there." Du Yao said with a certain tone.

"Is there a marriage partner?" Lin Dong's eyes widened with envy, "Is it arranged at home? It's good, it's only been less than a week since I came back, and even the partner has been arranged, and we're just waiting to get married. Unlike us, I don't know if I have to wait until that day to have a partner."

"It wasn't arranged at home, it was my own."

"It wasn't arranged at home?" Lin Dong was even more puzzled: "We've only been back for a few days? You haven't even returned home, where did you see it?"

"The one I saw just now is the one who sang on the stage." Du Yao looked at Ye You with gentle eyes like lake water, and a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Dong suddenly turned his head to look at Ye You, then turned back to look at Du Yao and asked, "Do you know him? No, does he know you? No, do you know him?"

"I don't know it yet, but I will know it soon." Du Yao's tone was very affirmative.

"What if the family already has a partner?" Lin Dong asked.

"If he already has a partner... I have a way to break them up, and he will definitely be mine." Du Yao's eyes quickly flashed a fierce and determined light.

When the song was about to end, Ye You suddenly felt a chill. Although his singing was still stable, he had inexplicably goosebumps.

Lin Dong couldn't help but wanted to hold his forehead, not because he felt that Du Yao was overconfident, but because he knew that Du Yao would not give up until he achieved his goals. His tricky and vicious methods are used on the enemy, and it can also be said that the soldiers are tricky, and being sympathetic to the enemy is cruel to one's own people. But if it was used to find someone, he could not help but feel some sympathy for Ye You.

The perfect singing, the perfect ending, and the warm applause broke out from the stage. These soldiers, who were usually cold and hard like steel, all showed soft eyes at this moment, and the corners of their mouths unconsciously showed a little smile. Ye You saluted with military salutes several times, but the applause did not stop for a long time, because Ye You still had to prepare for the next game, the deputy head had to let the curtain slowly close amidst the applause.

The head of the regiment watched the performance with the military leaders. Although he was surprised at first, he didn't know why the singer became Ye You, but he was very satisfied with the effect that was much better than he expected. Especially after seeing the satisfied and appreciative smiles on the faces of the military leaders, he was also very pleased and proud in his heart. After all, the soldiers of the art troupe performed very well, and the head of the regiment had a bright face, just like if these officers had a particularly outstanding soldier, they would be very proud.

After the curtain was closed, Ye You turned and walked backstage. The deputy head and the team leader were standing at the exit with smiles to greet him.

"Your performance is better than what you did in practice just now. Not bad, not bad!" Leader Gao smiled and praised Ye You, while thinking about how to get people from Leader Xu to the vocal band .

"You are still so young, and you can already show such amazing talent. If you focus on practicing with your teacher, you will definitely have a bright future!" The deputy regiment looked at Ye You with different eyes. The art troupe also has people entering and leaving every year. The deputy leader has been in the art troupe for so many years. He can still see who is a good seedling worth cultivating. Before, he thought that among the new recruits, Ye Chen had the most potential, but now it seems that he made the decision too early.

"Okay, okay, he will be on stage next time, but you should let him take a breath, what are you doing here to stop him?" Leader Xu, who came to look for someone, pushed away Leader Gao and pulled Ye You away.

When Ye You returned to the backstage, he could rest for two or three minutes at most, and then he was about to take the stage again. Everyone else looked at him, some with complicated expressions, some with envious eyes, and more with complicated and jealous moods. Ye Chen sat in the corner, trying not to express his emotions.

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