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Ok all AUL crew are American except three person.

Why they are so special?

Because their parents are not from the same country

That's means three of them are different nationally 

but they grow together in United States




1. Ninja

Ninja is half Japanese-half Chinese. That's means his father is Japanese whereas his mom is Chinese. He can understand and speak Japanese & Chinese. His parents moved to United States when Ninja's older brother was 2.

(me dying dunno wut to explain)




2. Stoner

Stoner is half British-half Spanish, whereas his father is British and his mother is Spanish. 

That's why Stoner's skin are tans

Now a bit backstory:

- Stoner had no memories about his dad because his father passed away a month after Stoner was born.

- Stoner's mom was the mafia boss, this makes Stoner goods at fight and having bad habits. 




3. Bro

Bro's half Scottish-half Irish; whereas his dad is Scottish and his mom is Irish. Besides of speaking English and learning Japanese, he also understand and can speak Scottish and Irish. 




Lastly here's the beans vilbing ✨

Lastly here's the beans vilbing ✨

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Bye for now :D!

(208 words)

- Masaru

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