The conversation around me continued, but none of it registered. The Ten Albion....The Demon Race...It all sounded so familiar. A sharp pain went through my head. I groaned and held my head in pain, but the sensation was gone as soon as it came.

Suddenly, the Boar Hat turned sharply, almost causing me to lose my balance. Lockwood caught me and sighed. "We're high up in the air. One wrong step and you'll go splat," I nodded and took in a deep breath. I have to stay focused-!

"Merlin! Send me down!" With a snap of her fingers, Meliodas stood in front of the dangerous blast the Albion was about to send straight to Camelot. "Full Counter!" Meliodas, now standing next to Arthur, smiled. "Perfect timing as always Merlin!"

"An Albion's weak point is its core, hidden inside its chest!"

The battle progressed, but Lockwood thought and remembered:

"She only views you as a friend....unaware of what took place during the Holy War! The innocent lives lost!" Angry tears welled up in the young Lockwood's eyes.

"She's aware..."

Lockwood barely heard the whisper of the demon. His red eyes widened slightly. His partner in crime, stood in complete shock, looking down at the unconscious child. "She was there....she may not remember...but she due time," Zeldris muttered to himself, but it still reached Lockwood's ears. Zeldris dropped the thief, his rage subsided for now. Zeldris's eyes only showed sadness now, but with a shake of his head, his eyes were fierce once again.

Lockwood turned to glance at the princess he swore to protect. Just what did that Demon mean all those years ago? The Knight thought to himself.

I stared at the Albion and Meliodas with wide eyes. My mind seemed fuzzy, but I couldn't tell. Merlin returned Lostvayne to Meliodas. In a burst of light, five Meliodas' appeared and deflected the Albion's attack, blasting the Albion's upper half away, leaving us all stunned.


"The Ten Commandments, locked away since ancient times, the hand-picked troops of the Demon King himself, they've all been freed from a 3000 year old seal, which caused these giant monsters to start moving again, is that what you're telling me?" Arthur did his best to recap the explanation Meliodas had given us.

"I don't blame you for not believing me right away, but it's all true," Meliodas sighed. Diane crossed her arms whilst a thought came across her mind. "If those were only tools used by the Ten Commandments, then does that mean the commandments themselves are stronger? D-do we even stand a chance?"

"If we're all together, then I believe that things will turn out okay," I smiled. "I agree," Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Wellllll aren't you guys all forgetting something?!" Hawk yelled out as if it was a matter of fact. "As long as we have Meliodas' attack, we can crush any enemy can't we?" Arthur's eyes lit up. "T-that's right! That attack was amazing Sir Meliodas!!" Lockwood nodded in agreement. "It truly was Sir Meliodas,"

Meliodas cheekily laughed. "Thank you, but it's not really my ability. It's more like Sacred Treasure Lostvayne's special ability!" He announced the last sentence over-enthusiastically. He began to demonstrate the ability by making five of himself, which he used to grope Elizabeth- for which we all smacked him for.

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