Chapter 9

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*Maddie POV*

In the program, our group dance was right before the Apple Cores' group dance, so right before I went on, I get to be one-on-one with Gino.

"In our Junior Talent group division, welcome 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'! the emcee called to the audience.

Nia started walking for 4 beats and then in the music, there was a bang and Nia fell.

You could hear the gasps in the crowd.

Then, Nia's supporters crowded around her with their hands up, mouthing Don't shoot us, don't shoot us,don't shoot us. Just then, Nia put a surgical mask and written on it in Sharpie, it read;

I heard people crying.

Then, all the cops and supporters held hands and made a circle around dead Nia.

We received a standing ovation.

Now, Cathy's turn.

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