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"We gotta intervene. But just at the right moment." Lolita tells Atlas to wait. "Stay back." Qrow tells his niece. "Not yet." Lolita and atlas stay hidden. As Qrow has a hard time getting a shot in, Ruby tries to help him out but fails. "Now." Lolita and atlas take motion and charge for the faunest.

"Oh new people. This is going to be fun." Tyrian laughs manically. "Lolita cover me." Atlas prepares to hit him down. "Who are you?" Qrow asks Atlas. "The names Atlas Everheart. That is my friend Lolita Hunter." Atlas points at the purple and pink haired girl who seems to be getting hits in. "Zephyr lend me your power." Atlas whispered and gained zephyrs abilities.

"Ari lend me your power." Atlas got control of both Zephyrs and Ari's abilities. "Lolita NOW!" Atlas yells and she stops fighting him. Tyrian charges at atlas and fails to even hit him. "Stay still!" Tyrian yells getting annoyed. Atlas gets tired of dodging and starts hitting. A double sonic boom punch, makes Tyrian dizzy and light headed. "Woah. Who are these guys?" Jaune asks his fellow teammates.

Distracted, Lolita and Atlas reload their weapons. Tyrian goes in to attack Qrow. Swiping his scorpion tail at him, Tyrian soon realises he didn't swipe Qrow but atlas. Lolita goes to play around with Tyrian while Qrow catches Atlas. "Why did you do that?" Qrow asked him. "Because it's what we do." Atlas chuckled. "Atlas I could seriously use your help buddy." Lolita was using her fists.

"Be right there." Atlas groaned in pain. "No you can't fight like this." Qrow held him down. "Actually I need you to do something." Atlas looks up at Qrow.

"I need you to shoot me." Atlas hands Qrow his gun. "Are you insane? I'm not going to do that!" Qrow pushed atlas' hands back with the gun. "Fine then just touch it." Atlas rolled his eyes. Qrow touched it. "I hate doing this to myself." Atlas held the gun to his head. Just as fast as Qrow went to stop him, atlas shot himself. "Oh my god." Nora covered her mouth as she saw the scene.

Lolita stopped fighting Tyrian. "What are you doing? Your teammate just killed himself and now your going to stop fighting?!" Ren screamed at her. "Well it's no longer my fight. It's his." Lolita pointed up in the sky. Tyrian and the Ruby crew looked up. Qrow's eyes widened. It was Atlas. "What was the last thing you heard atlas whisper?" Lolita looked at Qrow.

"Ah Naja lend me your power. Something like that." Qrow repeated it. "Oh this is going to be good." Lolita smirked. "What? What does what he whispered got to do with anything?" Nora asked Lolita. "Atlas Everheart Alpha Demon of the world and copying. Atlas has the ability to copy any persons abilities. With an alpha demons ability he has to ask before using them. Naja Zuna Alpha Demon of Escape. She creates glyphs that can appear anywhere, of which you can fall through and appear through another one." Lolita explains. Qrow was impressed and watched on with excitement.

Atlas used the glyphs to appear in random spots which put Tyrian off balance. Sonic boom uppercut. Sonic boom straight right. Sonic boom left hook. Sonic boom right hook. Tyrian could barely stand up. Atlas took out a gun and shot him straight down the middle. Qrow and team RNJR looked at Atlas in shock as he walks towards them.

"Nice work Atlas." Lolita smiles at him. He looks up and smiles back with his canines. "So you guys are demons?" Jaune asked the two. "Yeah." Atlas nodded. "There's a spring further forward. If you need me I'll be there. Gotta purify this shit." Atlas walked further ahead, while the others set up camp. "I'll go make sure we are okay." Lolita leaves them.

"Ren have you heard of Alpha Demons?" Jaune asked his teammate. "It's a super rare type of faunest. Legend says they protect their believed to be mate or their already marked mate, from sudden death or someone they know they can't defend themselves against." Ren explained the legend he heard. "Like with me?" Qrow's attention was stuck on the legend. "It did seem like it." Ren nodded.

"I'm going to go check on Atlas." Lolita came back. "Actually let me." Qrow stopped her. Qrow got up and walked to the spring. As he got there he caught atlas stripping down. And then a surfers suit appear but only on the bottom half of his body. Qrow stared at his ripped body. Atlas walked in and dove into the water. It had been a minute and he hadn't come back up. Qrow panicked and stripped off the basics and dove in for him.

Qrow didn't realise how deep it was and was unable to keep his breath in much longer. Atlas noticed he was coming towards him but also saw he was running out of oxygen. Atlas instantly pulled him up. "Are you okay?" Atlas asked him, water dripping from his hair onto his chest. Qrow blushed slightly. Qrow got back into his clothes and watched as Atlas just changed the bottom half. "Qrow why did you come in?" Atlas asked him. "I thought you were drowning." Qrow answers. Atlas gave him a soft smile.

"Do you mind putting on a shirt?" Qrow asked him. "What? Can't take the heat?" Atlas whispered in his ear and then bit his ear lobe. "What's wrong birdy? Turned on?" Atlas got close to his face and looked down at his lips and back to his eyes. "I thought that was all healed up?" Qrow noticed the giant scare on his chest. It was faint but still noticeable. "I was purifying it. It'll be gone by tomorrow." Atlas looked down and noticed Qrow was touching the scar. "Uncle Qrow?" The two males heard Ruby.

They returned to camp ground. "Your on watch Atlas." Lolita told him and everyone went to sleep. "Hey." Qrow walked over to atlas. "Oh hey. Aren't you tired? You should rest." Atlas told Qrow. "No somethings on my mind." Qrow shook his head. "What's up?" Atlas asked. "I need to try something." Qrow looked at atlas. He kissed him. Atlas kissed back and slipped his arms around Qrow's waist. A crunch of a stick broke their make out session. "Get back to the group. And wake up everyone. Lolita will guide you all out of here." Atlas told Qrow to leave. "Please Qrow." Atlas looked at him pleading.

"I'm not leaving you." Qrow stayed there and got out his scythe. "That won't do anything. Sure if it's a Grimm but if it's who I think it is, it'll break in a matter of seconds." Atlas was impressed but knew better. Atlas started putting on metal rings. "What's with the jewellery?" Qrow asked him. Atlas chuckled and clicked them together. Shark blades covered his hands and arms, but it didn't stop there. It climbed up to his shoulders, back and feet.

Spiked and armed, Qrow looked at him in shock. "GRIMM!" Ruby screamed which snapped Qrow out of his trance. "Well I guess your scythe will do." Atlas grinned.

"Bit excessive don't you think Atlas?" Lolita looked him up and down. "I think he looks fucking hot." Qrow walked forward from the shadows. "That scent." Atlas sniffed out someone who wasn't supposed to be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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