She hit the street and walked down the sidewalk, towards the lights of the small strip of stores beside the apartment complex. She had her hood up so she couldn't be seen, but no cars were even passing by.

She couldn't believe her luck as she walked up to a 24 hour liquor store. It seemed like it was meant to be. She stepped through the automatic doors and welcomed the heat and fluorescent lighting. Her mouth practically salivated at all of the alcohol options in front of her.

She was ready to be numb.

She looked over at the man who was working at the front counter and gave him a smile. He was middle aged, with salt and pepper hair and a hat on. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement.

Her fingers gripped the neck of the first bottle of vodka she could find as she confidently strolled over to the man, placing the vodka on the counter. He shifted his position as he prepared to ring her up.

"I.D. please," the man requested.

Bella looked at the man's name tag, and saw that his name was Ron.

She pretended to dig into the pockets of her sweatpants, before sighing and pulling out the only money she had - a twenty dollar bill. "I'm so dumb, I forgot my I.D. at home," she said.

Ron's mouth slanted as he shook his head. "I can't sell it to you, I'm sorry."

"But I'm twenty-one," Bella lied. "I just forgot my I.D.."

"Sorry, hun," Ron shook his head again. "You know the rules."

Bella looked around at the empty liquor store, before she looked back at Ron. "Come on, Ron, nobody's even here."

"Doesn't matter," Ron retaliated. "You are welcome to come back with I.D. and then you can purchase this," his hand tapped the cap of the vodka bottle.

Bella took a deep breath before she narrowed her eyes flirtatiously towards him. "Please?" she begged, before she reached over and touched his fingers.

He allowed her to touch his hand for a few seconds before he pulled away. "No," he stated, his voice firm.

She gripped the bottom of her sweatshirt and pulled her top up. Ron's eyes widened as he grinned. She put her shirt back down and smiled at him. "What about now?"

Ron looked around the store, before he pushed the bottle of vodka closer to her. "Just this once," he said, and she nearly squealed with excitement.

"Thank you!" she said, handing him the money and grabbing the bottle.

She immediately twisted the cap off and took a long sip of it, the relief of the burning liquid sending a rush of adrenaline through her body.

"Be careful out there, young lady. All right? You're gonna run into the wrong person doin' those things," he said with a chuckle.

"Ron," Bella said with a laugh. "I've been through shit that you can't even imagine. Nothing can hurt me now."

She walked out the door and continued taking long sips of the liquor, standing on the side of the store where she couldn't be seen. She sat in the grass and rested her head against the building, enjoying her disorientation. Nothing could hurt her while she was drunk.

An hour went by, and she watched as people, mainly men, went in and out of the liquor store. One man walked out with a brown paper bag in his hands, starting towards his truck.

Bella closed the now half-empty bottle of liquor and grabbed it, before walking up to the tall man getting in his truck.

"Excuse me, sir," Bella said, her legs wobbling as she rested her hand on the black truck for support. "May I have a ride, please?"

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