"You two love each other more than usual." Raven said. "Someone having a baby?" Abby did a double take.

"No!" Clarke and Lexa yelled. "No children."

"Darn it." Raven mumbled. "Anyways, meet us in the center of the village at noon." Clarke and Lexa went to ask about it but Raven shushed them. "No questions, just be there."

"Fine." They both said. "So in like half an hour?" Raven nodded.

"Let's go Blake." Raven took Octavia's hand. "We have thirty minutes." They left the room.

It was Clarke, Lexa and Abby left in the room now. "I heard about Raven's leg." Clarke said. "How are you gonna do it?"

"So, Jackson and Monty were messing around with plant mixtures because we still don't know a ton about that stuff. They were running tests and realized things were regenerating, I don't really understand the science part." Abby told them. "But we have done what we are doing on Raven a few times but not to that size."

They talked for a little longer before Lexa and Clarke had to meet up with Raven for the event she had planned. Knowing Raven, this is slightly worrying. They went to the center of the village and all of their friends were there.

It was Murphy, Emori, Monty, Harper, Bell, Echo, Rae, Octavia, Aden, Nova, Madi and Taylor. They were all standing in a circle. It was snowing harder.

"Okay? What the fuck are we doing here?" Murphy asked. "It's cold and I wanna go home."

"Cheer up, Smurf." Raven said. He only grumbled. Emori kissed his cheek. "Okay people. Welcome to the first annual extreme snowball fight!" Aden looked way too excited for this. "Rules, If you get hit you are out, no crying, no kissing, no nothing! From this point on, if you get hit, you die!"

Everyone went running in different directions. Clarke and Lexa went running into the shops. "We are going to win." Lexa told her as they hid behind a table. "Okay, I was thinking we could go with the assassin strategy. We have the-" Clarke pulled Lexa into a kiss and cupped her face. Lexa pulled her onto her lap and put a hand in Clarke's hair.

The kiss was aggressive and she didn't know where it came from but she wasn't complaining.

Clarke pulled away after what felt like a good few minutes. "I think we broke a rule." Clarke said just below a whisper. Lexa laughed.

"What was that for?" Lexa asked.

"The kiss?" She nodded. "You look really hot in the jacket." Clarke ran a hand down her jacket. Clarke got off her lap. "Okay, back to your plan." Lexa laughed.

"So I was thinking about stealth." Lexa said. "We both know how to walk silently and according to you, I have amazing hearing so I can tell if anyone is trying to sneak up on us." Clarke nodded. "Raven and Octavia are probably gonna try to trap us. Aden and Nova will probably be trying to do what we are doing. Murphy and Emori might be chaotic and it'll work because it's Murphy and Emori. Echo will be spying most likey and trying to assassinate from the high ground, Bellamy will probably be bait." Clarke laughed. "Monty and Harper might hide and wait it out, which is smart."

"What about Madi and Taylor?" She asked.

"I don't fucking know." Lexa said, shrugging. "Children are unpredictable."

"That's true." Clarke said. "We should take out Raven, Octavia, Aden and Echo first." Lexa nodded as she started to make snowballs. "They are the biggest threat. Raven and O went in the oppoiste direction of us."

"I think we should do Echo first." Lexa said. "It'll be the least expected. They are probably gonna be expecting Octavia because she wants her brother out. That's another thing we have to be careful of. We can't get double teamed."

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