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"You okay there?" Derek questions as they are lying in their bed, they came home from a case earlier and fell asleep within minutes of entering their home, "I can hear the wheels turning, what's going on?"

"I just had a dream. '' Spencer starts while Derek turns on his side to see him better but Spencer keeps staring at the ceiling, "You got mad. Like really mad"

"About what?" COmforting Derek places his hand on Spencer's stomach,

"I pushed over a glass on purpose." He starts, "I was doing all sort of things like that, just doing what my brain tells me to do, like the thoughts took over and you- you got really mad"

"I am sorry"

With a smile Spencer turns his head to the side, "It was your dream-you, why are you apologizing ?"

"I don't know," Derek admids with a chuckle, making Spencer laugh too, "I hope you know I would never get mad at you for something like that."

"I know, I just- I just keep having dreams about it. About you not being able to bear me anymore." He admits, "I am sorry I embarrassed you in front of your friends last week when I grabbed into that candle light. I don't know what happened, I just had to- I- It wasn't- of course it was me but I- I don't know what-"


"I just get these urges and- and then I can't stop it." He admits in a soft voice and starts biting down on his lips, "I am sorry"

"Don't" Derek props himself up on one arms, gently pulling Spencer's lip out from between his teeth with his thumb, "You have nothing to be sorry for"

"I feel like I have."

"That's a problem we have known with you for a very long time." With a chuckle Derek leans down and kisses him on the cheek, before going back to cupping Spencer's face with his free hand as he looks at him, "And don't you ever think I would ever start being embarrassed of my beautiful, brilliant husband."

"They looked at me like-"

"And they had been crowding you all night, you snapped, I am sorry that I didn't notice sooner and that this was the only way your brain thought I would notice it and get you out of the situation."

"I don't think it's that, it just- it's like my thoughts just snap."

"And I would never be mad at you for that." Derek assures him, "Am I worried? Yes. But not mad and not embarrassed."

"Are you sure?"

"Since the day I said yes." With a smile he kisses him on the lips, "Why don't you let me spoil you tonight? Just you and me, we turn the phones off and just have this evening to yourself, if there is a case they can drive by here on their way to the airport."

"That wouldn't be very nice of us." Spencer frowns at him,

"It's nice of us to that little overworked brain of yours." Tenderly Derek taps the side of Spencer's head, "What do you say, I let a bath run for you and afterwards you will eat the world's best cookies and fries?"

"I would rather have you in the bath with me than cookies." With a smile Spencer looks up to him and when he just grins down on him, Spencer kisses him, "Please?"

"Of course, how could I say no to that?"

"You could never"

"Mmm" Derek leans down kissing him again before moving down to his neck, his hands unbuttoning Spencer's shirt.

"Not that" Spencer mumbles, "No- I don't feel up for it-"

"That's more than fine with me"

"We haven't in so long I-"

"It's okay" Derek lays down again, pulling Spencer close, "Change of plans, you get dressed in whatever you feel the most comfortable in and I will make us something to eat and then we just stay in bed and look at-"

"Our wedding pictures." Spencer interrupts him, his voice carrying joy.

"Look at our wedding pictures."

"I love looking at our wedding pictures." Spencer exclaims, his hand flapping above his chest,

"I hope so we paid good money for them."

"Can we do the whole book?"

"Of course we can do the whole book." Derek promises him, "Go get ready"

When Derek comes back upstairs, Spencer is already leaning against the headboard, the big book, in which he had glued in the wedding pictures himself, on his lap, "Hurry"

"I am already here" Derek slips into bed next to him as Spencer opens the book and starts on rambling about everything that comes to his mind while Derek feeds him fruit in between, sometimes grabbing his chin to remind him that he is supposed to eat, causing Spencer open his mouth every time to eat as quick as possible so he can keep talking and when they reach the middle of the book, Spencer's head is already laying on his shoulder, his eyes dropping more and more while he mumbles things that get more and more inaudible until he stops and Derek gently takes the book away and lays him down, covering him in his blanket before pulling him against him again and he is sure they will never make it through the book at ones, and he is sure Spencer will still ask every time and he is sure he will tire himself out with all his excitement never the less  but he is also always sure, this is the best he can do to banish all the hurtful things from Spencer's head that they have otherwise no control over.  At least for one evening.

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