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Nor walked into the school with confidence. if the bullies came up to her again she would actually stand up for herself. she wore her emoji shirt with pride. 

"hey, nice shirt" a familiar voice said.

Nor turned around and her cheeks turned red. It was him, the love of her live.... Elmer's Glue. she smiled before saying

"Thank you Elmer" 

Nor took up the courage and asked him if he wanted to walk together to class. To her surprise he said yes. They started walking and she could swore she saw the girl from yesterday punching the wall in the corner of her eye. She smiled and walked in confidence. They entered the classroom. Nor started to make herself comfortable at a table when Elmer sat next to her. she blushed and smiled at him.

"I'm glad we have lab together" He said

HE WAS HAPPY TO BE IN THE SAME CLASS AS HER? WHAT A DREAM. Nor thought. She was enjoying herself until she saw the same girls from yesterday enter the classroom. They gave her a death stare and sat down at a table. the teacher came in the classroom and started explaining the years classplan.

"i want all of you to pick a labpartner to have for the rest of the year." the teacher said "when you are done picking come up to me so i can write it down."

the girl instantly walked up to Nors and Elmers table.

"Elmerrrrrr do you wanna be my labpartner" the mean girl said while sitting on the desk.

"im sorry Regina i was thinking of picking Nor if that was okay with her." he said while smiling at Nor.

Regina gave nor a death stare and mouthed no. Nor was dancing on the inside.

"Of Course Elmer i would LOVE to be your lab partner " nor said while smirking at Regina.

Nor felt powerful, her crush just asked her to be her labpartner FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. she suddenly felt something touching her hand. it was Elmer.

"i'll go to the tell the teacher were partners." He said and got up.

Elmer rose up and started walking to the teachers direction. suddenly a hands slammed the desk. it was regina, she was furious.

"listen her NOR, you just got yourself into some BIG trouble YOU HEAR ME?" Regina said and got up from the desk.

she the sat down with her friends and stared Nor down for a last time before talking to her friends again.

Elmer's glue and the activatorWhere stories live. Discover now