the new school

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Nor malfoy was a very filthy and spoiled little brat, but not I a bad way. she loved to ask her dad for money so she could give it to the poor. She was homeschooled for the most of her life. the only time she went to a public school was for her bigger brothers graduation. her brother was a really ugly man. his name was dadin. dadin loved to play video games. he played roblox all day long. one day nor wanted to go to a real school. she begged her mother to let her go. first her mother was a bit skeptical, but then she agreed.

it was Nors first day at a new school. she had her alarm ready.

"omg it's my first day at school" Nor said.

She ran to her closet and picked out a cute outfit. she ate breakfast and drove to school in her limousine.

"ugh" Nor groaned. "this limousine is to cheap I need to go in with style".

the limousine driver groaned. "Nor this is the newest model"

"well" nor said slowly. " it's not long enough.

"be careful not every long thing is good some may be painful" the limousine driver said with a smirk.

nor started blushing. she ran out of the limousine and went into the school. the school was big and made out of marble. nor went to her locker the put her expensive notebooks in her locker. she closed it and saw the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

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