"What are you doing?" I ask with a slight smile.

He shrugs his shoulders slightly. "What's it look like? I'm copying you idiot" He says mockingly.

I roll my eyes as I smile more. It was the first time I could say I had really smiled for someone who wasn't my brother. The atmosphere in the room was relaxed, different than what it was before.

"Did they take anything important?" I ask after a moment of silence. 

"No. Nothing that will really do much good for them anyway." Ben says.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I've kinda been going as someone else to confuse them." Ben says.

"Ah. That was smart if thats what your goal was." I say.

"I mean kinda was the goal" Ben says as he watches me. I nod as I smile slightly since Ben was kinda trusting me more. "You're really pretty when you smile." Ben says out of the blue catching me off guard.

My eyes widen as I quickly cover my face blushing madly. Why was this person making me feel the way I do. He was my brothers enemy and here I am blushing at his comment.

"Sorry. I um-" Ben starts to say before he starts to get ip

I quickly look at him grabbing his arm gently "No its okay. Just caught be offguard. I appreciate the compliment. It's been a while since someone actually complimented me."

Ben sets back down next to me. "How is testing going?" Ben asks me.

"Oh, its going okay. I have a few more components I have to figure out but I almost have the formula figured put." I say before I reach up on the desk behind us and pull my notes down.

I hand Ben the notes before leaning over his shoulder slight to explain the information scattered across the page. As I was talking a knock on my front door caused me jump slightly. I get up slowly.

"Stay here. It's probably my brother" I say to Ben before I head upstairs to go answer my front door.

I open the front door to reveal Woods. "Hey Matt brought me by to drop this off." Woods says holding out a box to me.

"What is it?" I ask taking the box

"A vial of the serum and a note card of the things we kinda wanted to know about it" Woods explains.

"Oh thank you!" I say to him. I quickly remembered my document Matt wanted to see. "Oh hold on!"

I move away from the door to the coffee table when I had set the documents a few days ago. I grab it and hand it Woods.

"Just tell Matt to hold onto it for as long as he needs" I say.

Woods looks at the documents finally realizing what it was. "Oh right. Thanks" Woods says before hugging me.

I watch as Woods leaves with Matt and Sam. Once they were out of sight I lock up my front door and head back down to the basement where Ben was waiting for me still sitting on the floor.

"Who was it?" Ben asks looking up at me.

"Woods. Stopped by to give me this" I say pulling the vial out of box.

"Ah" Ben says.

"Do you have enough to survive right now or do you need this?" I ask holding the vial out to him.

"You would allow me to have this?" Ben asks me.

"Well yeah. You already gave me a vile so i have no need for this one." I says.

Ben gets up and takes the vial from me gently. He looks at me softly. "Will you help me?" Ben says as he reaches to take his mask off.

My eyes widen slightly knowing I was about to see his face completely for the first time. "Yes what do you need me to do?" I say quickly.

"I need to fill the cartages with the serum. I breath it in. Through the gas mask portion" Ben explains as he unclasps the straps.

I nod as I reach over to grab the glass dropper. I open the vials just as Ben slides the mask off his face. He steps behind me slighly as he sets the mask in front of me on the desk. His arms wrap around me slightly as he undoes parts of the mask for me to insert the serum into it.

I could feel Ben's chest pressed against my back slightly making it hard for me to focus. I shake my head slightly as I follow his instructions filling his mask with Serum. Once the mask was full Ben redoes the parts he undid but he doesn't pick up the mask right away, instead he pulls the dropper and vial out of my hands setting them down. He grabs my arms gently and spins me around.

I gasp slightly at the sudden motion. My heart stops at seeing his face fully for the first time. I start to blush slightly. Ben was attractive for sure. Long black hair with the brightest redish blue eyes. Ben stares at me for a bit as he catches me staring at him.

A small smile formed on his face before turning into a smirk. He leans in closure to me his nose just grazing mine. My breathing almost freezes at him being so close. His eyes search mine slightly before he leans a bit closer his lips grazing mine.

I pull back slightly. Fuck it. I quickly lean forward pressing my lips against his kissing him. It was the first time in a while that I had kissed someone but this should have felt wrong to me but it didn't. It felt right. I could feel Ben having a hard to breathing as his breathing becomes slight irregular against my chest. I reach back and grab his mask. I pull away and shove his mask into his face causing him to chuckle at me while he fixes it to put it back on properly.

"Thank you" He says.

"For what? Kissing you or making sure you didn't die?" I ask.

"Both" He says causing me to laugh.

Caught in the Middle (Ben X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now