922 5 4

player: adin jones
team: san jose sharks
requested:  MishaTookMyQuarter 
mood: fluff
summary: in which a fun day at the rink leads to confessions

You laced your skates up, making sure they were tight enough.

"Let's go, Y/N," your best friend, Adin Hill, calls out to you, a teasing tone to his voice. "We don't have all day."

The two of you had been best friends ever since you were kids, growing up on the same street. Your parents used to joke about you being practically adjoined at the hip.

Hockey was religion in your household, all your siblings playing it as they grew older. Adin played too, and he was lucky enough to be drafted by the San Jose Sharks. You didn't see him very often during the year, but whenever Adin was back home, the two of you would practice together at the community rink.

Today, Adin had rented one of the rinks for just you two. You didn't know why, but you still enjoyed being able to practice without having to worry about accidently hitting others.

You rolled your eyes at Adin, "Coming! I'm just tying my skates."

Adin was already on the ice, and he skated over to you, grinning slightly, "Never mind then. Take as long as you need. You remember what happened last time you didn't tie them up properly?"

"Shut up," you groaned as Adin laughed in the background. "We don't talk about that anymore. And it was one time! When we were twelve!"

"Mhm," Adin sounded unconvinced.

You flipped him off, stepping onto the rink with your stick in hand. Pucks were littered around the ice, allowing you to shoot wherever you wanted. The nets weren't drilled in though, so you stuck with shooting some pucks at the opponents bench.

Adin laughed, practicing some shooting as well.

"Aren't you goalie?" You asked him, shooting another puck with high speed.

"Doesn't mean I can't try to score," he shrugged, trying to figure out how to properly handle a puck.

You laughed, "Never said that. But, you might want to try getting your stick under the puck before you lift it."

Adin false-glared at you, trying again.

You laughed at his failed attempts.

Adin was in the NHL, that was true. But he was a goalie. He'd played goalie basically his entire life, and he wasn't great at shooting or puck handling. Sometimes, he had trouble stopping on the ice.

You, on the other hand, had been playing center your entire life. You could handle a puck in your sleep. The only reason you didn't continue hockey was because of the limited options available for a woman. You also found a passion for art and photography. 

But that didn't lessen your love for hockey.

"Hah!" Adin grinned as he picked a puck up on the curve of his stick. He tried throwing it in the air, only to fail miserably as it landed on the ice.

You laughed even more, your hands on your knees to support yourself.

"Excuse me," Adin muttered, "I'd like to see you play goalie. Try stopping all those shots."

"No thank you," you said, hands in the air as you stepped back. "I'm good at handling pucks and winning faceoffs. I'll stick to that, thank you. I wouldn't last a second being goalie."

"That's not true," Adin said to you, skating a little closer. "You're a great hockey player, and even though you don't think so, you'd make a great goalie."

You blushed, hoping Adin would think it was because of the temperature in the rink. "Thanks."

He smiled, the tiniest of dimples becoming visible, "What are best friends for?"

You smiled back, keeping up a pretense. Best friends. Why couldn't he take the hint and realize you're in love with him? You basically have been for many years. Ever since he'd been drafted, and you had to learn to live without him around always. You missed him, and you finally realized you'd been in love with him.

But he didn't seem to realize it.

"Yup," you nodded, a little too cheerful. 

You turned your attention back to the puck and stick, shooting the bench. Your hands shook a little, and one of your shots went over the glass and into the stands.

"Fuck," you cursed. "Now I have to get that shit before we leave."

"I'll get it for you," Adin said quickly. 

Before you could process what was happening, he stepped out of the rink, grabbed the puck, threw it back onto the ice, and stepped next to you.

"Thanks," you said again. "I really wasn't in the mood to go all the way there and grab that."

"I know," Adin said simply.

You gave him a look.

"What?" he asked you. "Y/N, I know you better than you know yourself. I know when you're not in the mood to do shit, I know what makes you happy, I know you. We've known each other forever, and I know everything about you."

"I know everything about you too," you told, smiling at your best friend. "You're like... my other half."

Adin's smile turned sad, "Not everything."

"What?" you asked immediately. "What don't I know? Are you like, secretly an alien or something? Do you hate dogs? I feel like I'm missing something important here."

He skated a little closer to you. Close enough for you to see the redness on his cheeks. Close enough for you to count his lashes. Close enough for him to make your heart beat erratically.

"You don't know how you make me feel," he whispered.

You froze.

"How fast my heart beats when you laugh," he continued. "How mad I get when I see another guy look at you. You don't know that I've been in love with you ever since we were kids. Before I even knew what the hell love was. That's what you don't know."

The breath seemed to be knocked out of your lungs. After all this time... Adin loves you too?

"I'm sorry," he said, stepping away quickly. "That was... I'm—"

You didn't let him finish, pulling him forward and kissing him. He froze, before responding. He held you softly, as if afraid he was dreaming and you were going to disappear.

You pulled away, leaning your foreheads together, "I'm in love with you too."

nyla writes!

okay, so that was fun to
write ! make sure y'all request
and follow the rules !

the not being able to skate properly
part is inspired by a vid that went 
around on tumblr of fleury falling, and
i liked that idea and incorporated it in this !

hope you liked this !!

thanks for reading !!

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