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I'm still new in the United States. My native language is spanich. This year I turned more popular than last year. It seems like this year is going to be the best one! I am never alone in fact I've gotten more friends than my old popular friends. I got my own crew, the popular ones. I've changed alot, Im not the same girl as I used to. My old crush made me change him and many other people. I learned to look pretty in the outside and how being nice to everyone is not always good. You most think that my life is perfect but the person I've turn into scares me. I'm not the sweetheart or the perfect daughter my parents used to be proud of... Ive Hurt many boys, I guess that's why they call me a slut. I made guys cry and broke their hearts. I still can't forget Justin's face when I told him I didn't want to be his girlfriend. I remember how I maded him cry. I can see the anger in his eyes everytime he sees me. He hates me, and it's my fault. I don't choose to be like this, This is the only way to survive. Popular girl life is not like it sounds, is worst than you thought. You'll recognize, I don't expect you to understand my words or love me and feel bad I don't want any apologize. Love messed me up, that's why Ive turned so cold. I hope none of you had gone through what I did and if you did so, Im sorry.

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