Chapter Two

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'A single leaf dances in the breeze,

unguided and unafraid,

testament to nature's freedom,

unconventionally beautiful,

mesmerising in it's movements,

nature's ballerina'

Magnus grumbles into wakefulness, the shrill ring of his phones alarm bouncing of the walls with a piercing screech that has his features twisting into a grimace as he blindly paws for the device laying on the table beside him. Magnus huffs sharply, rubbing at his tired eyes as he stretches with a loud groan, his back arching against the sinfully comfortable mattress.

He shivers as a cold draft breezes through the room, burrowing deeper beneath his duvet, seeking protection from the late November's early morning chill. He lets his mind wander for a moment while his eyes mindlessly trace over the never ending pattern carve into the high arched ceiling, his room still blissfully dark thanks to the thick curtains pulled shut over his window.

A violent shiver wracks through Magnus' sleep heavy frame as he reluctantly drags himself from beneath the comforting warmth of his duvet, his bare feet padding quietly across the carpet, the soft, plush material heavenly beneath his bare feet as he creeps over to the covered window. Magnus tugs the curtains aside, securing them in place with thick ropes, he quirks a brow as his gaze lands on the window, an orange glow bathing the room as he looks out at the still rising sun, a strong gust of wind echoing around the room, Magnus' frame trembling as he's hit full force by the frigid air.

"Curious" Magnus hums, his brows furrowing as his lips turn down into a confused frown, he reaches out, yanking the window shut abruptly, his still sleep numb mind quick to dismiss the strange discovery. He allows himself a moment to look out over the grounds, the vibrant greenery bathed in a beautiful shade of pink adding a romantic air to the picturesque landscape that has Magnus' heart swelling and his fingers itching to write.

The Asian man strolls to the vanity, wincing at his heavily rumpled appearance, he combs through his hair, opting to forgo his usual faux hawk instead leaving the dark strands artfully ruffled, his fringe swept to the side. He hums quietly to himself as he readies himself for the day, swiping a kohl liner along his waterline, smiling as he dusts his lids with a golden shimmer, the shade reminding him of the unique hue of Alec's hazel eyes beneath the sunlight, a sight he fears he may never erase from his mind. Lastly he swipes a pale pink gloss across his lips, eyeing his appearance happily as he bounds across the room to his overstuffed suitcase, ripping it open, mindful of the minutes quickly ticking by.

Magnus digs through his wide variety of clothing in search of the perfect ensemble, cursing himself for not unpacking the truly obscene amount of clothing last night. He huffs sharply, his hands moving quickly over the different textures littering the case, clothes spilling onto the floor in his hurried search.

"Perfect" Magnus exclaims as he pulls a rich burgundy button up from the case, the expensive, silky material heavenly soft beneath his fingers, he pairs the unique shirt with a pair of tight leather trousers that cling to his muscular legs, framing them delectably, the intricate gold detailing of his shirt enhancing his tanned complexion.

He slips his rings onto his long, polished fingers, the ritual a familiar one that he works through mindlessly, necklaces dangling around his neck, the silver metal contrasting with his golden skin, highlighting his exposed chest, his shirt secured by two buttons below his navel.

Magnus casts himself a parting glance in the mirror, nodding happily to himself as he exits the room, excitement bubbling in his gut at the promise of a day spent exploring the gardens beautiful scenery. Magnus pulls the door shut behind him, lost in his mind as turns around, gasping sharply as he collides roughly with a hard chest, a strong arm twining around his trim waist as he stumbles backwards on unsteady legs.

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