Chapter 1

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AN: I am beginning a new Rizzles story, which I hope you'd like and enjoy. Let me know what you think about it. I don't know if there are many Rizzles fans here, but I hope to get some feedback from you guys. Do you like the beginning of the story and do you want me to continue? 

The secret pact

Chapter 1

Jane's pov

When Maura received the good news that she was accepted in Boston Cambridge University, I was there to celebrate it with her. I have always been there for her. And she has always been there for me. We are best friends since kindergarten. We are very different, but we kind of complete each other in some way. We are total opposites and sometimes people wonder how it is possible for us to stay friends for so long, but they don't know Maura like I do. She may seem a bit distant and cold, but I know better than that. She's actually very warm person who likes to cuddle. Some say she's weird but just because she is into science a bit too much than an ordinary person, and she knows tons of scientific facts - that doesn't make her any weirder than any commoner. Everybody has its quirks and even though sometimes she could be annoying, I love her very much. We are inseparable. Instead of searching something in Google or Wikipedia, I could always ask her and she just happens to know everything. It's amazing. And she's amazing.

I have some other friends at school, of course, but Maura is my one and only best friend. Sure, I would hang out with some other people from the baseball team, and some of my classmates, but Maura is the one I could always rely on. Unlike me, Maura isn't very social person so she actually doesn't have other good friends, just me. Her foster parents and my parents are friends as well, but I think that's mostly because of us and our friendship. They have no other choice, I suppose. But they get along very well, and we spent a lot of time together - her family, and mine all together.

I still remember the first time I met Maura. It was in kindergarten. The other kids thought she was weird and all of them were avoiding her, and I kind of felt sorry for her. So I went to talk to her and I admit that I did it just because I felt really bad for her. My mother raised me better than that, and I knew I shouldn't judge people by their look. And when I got to know Maura better, we fitted together - we were a perfect match. We became friends instantly and as some people say, the rest is just history.

We share everything. Maura is a very honest and straightforward person, so we could tell the truth to each other without sugar-coating it. And I like that quality in her. We rely on each other and we keep our secrets. I could tell her anything. She has her own special way of cheering me up. Honestly, Maura isn't the wittiest person I know, but she's so goofy sometimes. She's not into my sarcastic jokes, but we have our differences as well. Sometimes not everything is perfect. It's not like we haven't fought because it had happened. Several times, which I could remember pretty well, and other small nitpicking that we do on daily basis. But we make up pretty easily and really quickly. We can't stay mad at each other for long.

I truly love Maura, but lately I started pondering about my future. And about my friendship with Maura. Soon I was going to college and that meant only one thing – we have to go into separate ways. Even now we study in different high schools because Maura's in private school, but we are really close and always together. But things were about to change. She was already accepted in Boston Cambridge University, which was no surprise for me at all, so it was inevitable. We were heading into two different and opposite directions so I was really worried that I would miss her so much. But I didn't want to think about the future and dwell on it. I was just trying to go with the flow and enjoy every moment.

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