All I remember right now is the pain...
I dont remember my name, how I got here, I dont even know my age. All I know for shure is that the current throbbing of every nerve in my body is excruciating and nauseating. I must have been in a hell of a lot more pain earlier though because this is evidently the aftermath, I think anyway.

I try to sit up and soon realize my body is a lot heavier than I remember but ...why? I lift my hand and hear an oninous creaking. Hold on. I remember that noise it was associated with a strong feeling of... fear!


I immediately freeze. But thankfully the noise was gone so I listen for a couple moments before I continue moving my hand towards my face.


Wait a minute I open my eyes and they fling open unnaturally, then I see the hand in front of my face. Apparently it's my hand? I turn my hand over, its completely metal and robotic. Woah, its hella confusing but honestly it's epic at the same time.

I hear voices from the other room.

"Ye well its finished so its supposed to power on now." I heard. It seemed to be a male and judging by the venom which was etched into his voice I doubt he has much patience. A short fuse.

Great and just when I thought things couldn't get worse, now not only have I been deemed a robot by yours truly, but I'm also trapped by some short tempered, creaky boned, smelly old fart...Oh. I now realize I have incredibly sharp senses, I can even feel my surroundings and taste the rank air.

But robots cant do those things...right?

I was awoken from my thoughts when I heard the door slam and a string of curses coming from the man I had heard earlier and quickly closed my eyes so he would assume I was still off.

"Shadow ennard power on." He said.

Suddenly I knew exactly what to do.

Hmmm must be my programming, thats certianly going to be helpful.

So I did what it had told me to do and I used my wires to carefully weave myself limbs, proper hands instead of the loose wires I had earlier, a head like thing and a torso. Seeing myself in the corner of my vision I saw I was rather plain so I decided I would add to it later and focused on the task at hand. I then proceeded to open my eyes and looked directly at the man in front of me. He was avarage height for a male, dressed in all purple. I wont lie he was a reasonably hansome dude. (No ship btw just compliments) All in all slightly scruffy and he was certainly not to be messed with, says my common sense, but do I intend to listen to the apparently smartest most powerful animatronic yet's common sense? Absolutely not. {Oh this is just what my data store has to say I'm not bragging} Anyway I plan to cause great chaos, all I need for that is time and I seem to have plenty...

He waved a fleshy hand in my face and I thought its best not to look at it so I continued to stare in the same thing I had opened my eyes to, a wall.

"Ah thats good, its not possessed yet then which means it should rely on programming. Brilliant." He said sounding pretty pleased.

Wtf!POSSESSED! What on earth is that supposed to mean!

I had no idea what that was supposed to mean, huh they set up a firewall to block my access to those files. Woah, considering they've linked me to every scrap of information known to man I think it must be pretty serious. Well I guess I'll be hacking that later, but for now ignorance is bliss.


Anyway it doesn't matter because he doesn't suspect a thing. My future plans depend on this factor. He eventually decided that I'm in perfect working order and left. *phew that was surprisingly stressful.*


Later I was dragged off and dumped in the back of a vehicle. When the people woke me up again {using the power button in my head that's really far back behind my eyes so its nearly impossible to reach} I was in a dimly  lit room somwhere and I heard people talking on the other side of the wall. There was a woman yelling and a man yelling back, I heard the woman say something about the man "not supposed to have made another one" and the man was saying that it was different and that it was "unpossessable" meaning it "probably wouldn't kill anything" and i wondered what they could be talking about, however suddenlu i heard an intense static rip through my circuitry and the only plausable words i could hear was a gargled low cry of "revenge". But as soon as the noise had begun it stopped, I had short-circuted, or as humans would say - passed out.

(dun dun duuuuun)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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