Part 4

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Shannon felt like the world had turned into a cyclone with the way Nick was acting. After what Joe had told her, she could relate to why he was feeling so scared. Somehow, she had been able to make him understand and now her mission was to make him feel safe again.

The Café was a brightly lit, happy sort of place and that was a stark contrast to her uncomfortable mood. Hopefully, her emotions would do her a favor and hold out. Now would definantly be a fine time to lose it. Especially, when she felt like she had gotten so choose to breaking through.

At that moment, she realized that her phone was ringing. Given that it was the Jonas Bros. song Turn Right, she knew who it was.

"Hi Joe, what do you need? I just got here. As much as love talking to you, I need to focus on Nick. Remember that he's not crazy about there being an us," Shannon responded.

"Shannon? This isn't Joe; it's Nick. I need you. My phone's dead. Joe had a seizure. He's fine and resting. I can't leave him...," Nick spoke in gasps.

"I know the address, so I'll come to you. Don't worry, I'll be there soon," she finished.

Shannon's mind raced as she ran back to her car. Joe had told her that he had the occasion seizure as a result of the accident. He didn't have to go to the hospital but it was still scary.

As the car rolled along the road, she thought of how badly she wishes she were already there to hold Nick in her arms


Nick pulled the blanket up over Joe. This wasn't his first tremor. They went severe enough to send him to the hospital but they exhausted him. Shannon want important by comparison but he needed her. Somehow, he needed her.

He closed his eyes and laid back in the chair. That was the only thing that we hated about this room. The ceiling was white and the walls were beige. He wanted to paint them a nice blue.

There was a loud knocking coming from somewhere. It took Nick a moment to come back to reality and realize that it was his door. Then he remembered Shannon.

Nick jumped up and ran to the door. The second he opened it his strength failed him and he dropped to his knees. A moment later he felt hands on his chest.

"Nick, it's okay. You're going to be okay. I'm here to help you take care of Joe. Mostly though I want to take care of you," Shannon's voice was distant.

Slowly, he pulled himself up and them pulled her into his arms. The feel of her skin was like satin. She smelled like something sweet.


Shannon saw how pale Nick was. It broke her heart to see him like this. She held him a moment and then they moved to the couch.

"Are you going to be okay? Can I get you something?" Shannon asked.

She looked at him, waiting for his reaction. He still seemed dulled and a little unresponsive. Before she could stop herself she lifted his chin and kissed him.

The feel of his lips and his breath was like a dream. They were dry and cracked but pleasant. Her hands moved to back of his shoulders.

"Shannon, can you just back off? I want it too. I won't lie. Just not right now," Nick mumbled.

Shannon tried not to think too much about it. The last thing she wanted was to cry. Nick just meant that to have this happen with Joe in the next room was wrong.

"Alright, it's going to be okay. Why don't I order us some food? You need to eat so your blood sugar doesn't get to low, right?" she offered.

"Yeah, I'd say that's why I easy so much but it's not," Nick blushed.

"It's not? I guess I just assumed because I don't think about your diabetes much," she admitted in embarrassment.

"See that's just it. The truth is I just love food," he confessed.

Shannon couldn't help but smile. She was the exact opposite. She would actually forget to eat sometimes. Feeding Nick was important though.

"I was thinking that we could get Chinese. I mean I do really like shrimp. You could get something else," her nerves were showing.

"No, that's alright. I love Chinese. It sounds really great. I guess we finally get that date," Nick suggested.

Shannon couldn't help but smile. She was really enchanted by the way he spoke to her like she was his equal. Hopefully, this was going to be the start of her dream coming true.

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