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After school Jake made his way to the eighth grade classrooms at the end of the building. The school newspaper office is in Mrs. Janet's room.
       Mrs. Jade sat at her desk, grading papers. As Jake stepped into the doorway, Mrs.Jade glanced up and frowned. Then she returned to her work .
      Jake saw Tasha typing furiously at the computer in the corner. Her lips moved as she wrote. Her forehead furrowed in heavy concentration.
       Jake walked over to the assistant editor, an eighth grader called Davis. Davis wear glasses with yellow frames that match his shoes. He was leaning over a long news story, running his finger down the page as he read.
      "Hi, Davis", Jake said. He glanced up and frowned too. " Jake- you made me lose my place" Sorry", Jake said. "Any stories for me today?" No- Jake said. Mrs. Jane said I should write a story . My story was five pages long! But she never printed it on paper. "But why "? Andy asked. Because she said no one cares about my story.
       The next morning, Jake received the latest copy of the News paper. He grabbed it eagerly and lowered His eyes to the bottom of the front page. Yes!! He exclaimed. His message was there except it had been changed a little. "Calling all horrors. Calling All horrors. If you are a real horror,call Jake after midnight".Then it gave Jake's phone number. His phone number not Mrs. Jane. His name and number. "How did this happened?" He cried.
       In the evening, Jake saw his phone ringing. " Who will call this late?" He asked. He answered the call then the person started talking. "I saw your message". "I am calling as you instructed." "Huh? "You're calling me?" Jake cried "Hey-— Who is this?" Jake demanded. "I am a horror." Jake slammed down the phone. Then he settled back into his bed and said to him self"never revenge"
Who changed the phone number?
And how does the person knew it? It shall be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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