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A spotlight shone down on the bare flagpole infront of the building. Behind it, most of the class room were dark. He saw light windows at the eight- grade end_and that's were he headed.
A car rumbled past slowly. It's headlight washed over the front of the building. Jake ducked behind a tall evergreen Bush. He didn't want to be seen.
In his rush to hide, he stumbled into the bush. A clamp of cold,wet snow plopped onto his head. With a shiver, he shook his wavy black hair to toss it off.
When the car has passed, he crept up to the lighted classroom window. Going a little further, his sneakers made squishing sounds in the soft ground.
He held someone shouting so he hid himself. He waited a few seconds,then pulled himself up.
It was Jane the news editor. Jane was typing away. She stopped every few seconds to click the mouse and move things around the screen.
Mrs.Jane walked out of the room. Jake shivered because he hadn't brushed all the snow from his hair. He heard a dog howling sadly in the distance.
On the street behind him, another car rumbled past. He pressed himself against the dark wall, trying to make himself invisible.
When Jake moved back to the window, the class room stood empty. Mr.John had also left the room!!! Yessss!!!! He cheered softly.
His heart pounded with excitement. He struggled to push up the window so that he could climb inside. He knew he had to be quick. He pushed and strained.
The window didn't budge.
He pushed the window with all his strength and open the window just enough to squeeze through.
He was leaving a trail of muddy footprints, but he didn't care.
He crept across the room and hunched down infront of the computer. His hand shooked as he grabbed the mouse and move to the bottom of the newspaper page.
He heard the voices of Mrs. Jane and Mr. John talking out in the hall.
Taking a big breath,he frantically studied the page.
Then he typed a few words_in tiny type_at the bottom of the front page. He wrote; calling all horrors. Calling all horrors. If you are real horror, call Mrs. Jane on 0552587930 after midnight.
Why did he add that little messages to the front page of the newspaper?
Why did he sneak in at night and risk getting caught?
Why did he desperately need to get revenge against Mrs. Jane?

Well...... It's a long story.........

It will be continue........Wait for the second update

My upcoming story (The fought of SPO1 Andy Amoako Hene Sarfo)

The revenge of Jake (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now