Summer Festival Part 2

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The night of the festival
"Manager you... you look amazing!" Riku says in complete amazement.
"Oh you think so? Thank you Riku." Tsumugi says blushing. "Fa... I mean the president thought I should wear a kimono to the festival." Tsumugi was wearing a light pink kimono with stitched white flowers in it, and judging by the seven boys expressions they all thought she looked pretty in it. "I was wondering if all of you wanted to enjoy the festival before you have to go on?" Tsumugi asks them.
"Enjoying the festival sounds like a good idea manager." Mitsuki says and smiles at her.
"And it be a nice time killer since we don't have to go on until 8pm and currently its only 5pm." Iori says.
"Alright then it's decided, you're all free to go do whatever you want, just make sure you get to the stage area before 8pm (20:00) to change into your stage clothes and to get ready to go on." Tsumugi says.
"Okay manager!" Riku says.
"Don't worry manager I will make sure everyone is there on time." Iori says.
"Thank you Iori." Tsumugi says.
"Hey what's that over there?!" Tamaki asks and takes off.
"Tamaki wait!" Sogo calls after Tamaki and runs after him.
Yamato laughs. "Sogo should really keep a leash on Tama so he doesn't get away so easily." Yamato turns and faces Nagi. "Hey Nagi how about you and I go play some games at those stalls over there." Yamato points at a group of stalls and one was a water gun stall.
"Oh, that sounds wonderful!" Nagi extends a hand out to Tsumugi. "Would you like to accompany us?"
"Sure!" Tsumugi says then follows after Nagi and Yamato.
"Well that leaves us three." Mitsuki says and looks at Iori and Riku. "How about we go play some games too." Mitsuki suggests.
"Yes!" Riku says excitedly.
"Nii-San you do realize all of these games are scams right?" Iori says.
"So, this is a festival you have to lighten up and have some fun Iori!" Mitsuki says.
A smile appears on Iori's face. "Well you got me there Nii-San alright lets go."
Mitsuki, Iori and Riku are walking down a line of stalls when Iori suddenly stops.
"Iori is something wrong?" Riku asks then he turns and sees that Iori is looking at a stuffed bear on a shelf.
"Do you want that Iori?" Mitsuki asks him.
Iori shakes his head no and Mitsuki laughs.
"Yeah you can't fool me." Mitsuki walks up to the stall which was an air soft gun stall. "I would like one set of three tries please." Mitsuki says then places the money down.
"To win a prize you need to completely knock the prize over, you get 3 tries to do so good luck." The stall owner explains.
"Alright." Mitsuki says and picks up the air soft gun and points it at the bear.
"Nii-San you don't have to do this." Iori says.
Mitsuki turns and smiles. "I know, but I want to get something for my little brother, now watch."
"Nii-San..." Iori says quietly.
Mitsuki brings the sight up to his eye and steadies his breathing, when the gun was steady Mitsuki pulled the trigger and a bebe went flying hitting the bear knocking it over on his first try. When the stall owner gave Mitsuki the bear he turned towards Iori.
"Here you go Iori." Mitsuki says and smiles as he gave Iori the bear.
"Thank you Nii-San." Iori says and blushes a little.
"Mitsuki you where amazing! I can't believe you knocked that bear over in one try!" Riku says.
"Well believe it or not I'm actually good at these types of games for some reason." Mitsuki says.
"Still that was amazing!" Riku says.
"Thank you Riku, well shall we continue looking around?" Mitsuki asks them and they both shook there heads yes.
Mitsuki, Iori and Riku started walking down the row of stalls again when they saw three familiar faces by the goldfish stall.
"Isn't that Gaku, Ryu and Tenn?" Mitsuki asks.
Mitsuki, Iori and Riku start walking towards them.
"And now!" Gaku yells and a goldfish comes out of the water.
"Ooooh good catch Gaku!" Riku says and claps.
Gaku turns towards Riku, Mitsuki and Iori.
"Oh you saw that?" Gaku asks them.
"Yeah, that was an amazing catch!" Riku says.
"Th... thanks." Gaku says not sure what else he could say.
"So what are you three doing here?" Tenn asks them.
"We're just looking at the different stalls which is what looks like you three are doing." Iori says looking at Tenn.
"Well since we're all looking at the different stalls why don't we do it together?" Ryu suggests trying to ease the tension.
"I'm alright with that what about you two?" Riku asks Iori and Mitsuki.
"I'm alright with it too what about you Iori?" Mitsuki asks him.
Iori looks away from Tenn. "Yeah its alright with me too I guess."
"Well it looks like that's settled then." Gaku says.
"So where do you want to go to next?" Ryu asks them.
"Well we haven't seen those stalls yet." Mitsuki says and points to a row of stalls to there right.
"Alright let's head over there." Ryu says and starts walking in that direction.
Riku walks up to Tenn
"Tenn-nii if there's anything you want I'll try my best to win it for you." Riku says and smiles, but Tenn continues looking ahead acting like he didn't hear what Riku said.
"Oh this stall is a water balloon throwing stall." Ryu says.
"They have some cool looking prizes if you can actually hit the bullseye for the top tier prizes that is." Mitsuki says.
"Good luck hitting that small of a circle." Iori says.
"Shall we pass then?" Gaku asks.
"Yeah I think we sh..." Ryu gets cut off by Riku saying.
"Wait I want to try it!" Riku says.
"Riku it be best aiming for the lower tier prizes since the top ones are almost impossible to hit the bullseye for." Mitsuki advises.
"No I want to try for the top ones." Riku says then walks up to the counter and puts his money down. "Three balloons please."
"Throw a water balloon at the bullseye you only get a prize if you hit the bullseye, the higher tier the prize the smaller the bullseye good luck." The stall owner explains.
"Alright I want to try winning a prize for
Tenn-nii." Riku thinks to himself then throws a balloon at the top bullseye, but it missed.
"Alright I still have two tries left." Riku says to himself and prepares to throw another balloon.
"This time for sure!" Riku thinks to himself then he throws the balloon, but again it missed.
"Darn it!" Riku thinks to himself.
"Nanase go for the biggest bullseye on the bottom row." Iori says.
"No, I want to win something for Tenn-nii from the top row!" Riku says then holds the last balloon. "Alright this time for sure!" Riku lets go of the balloon, but again it misses. "No... I missed all three times..." Riku says feeling defeated then he suddenly felt a hand on his left shoulder, Riku looks and sees Mitsuki.
"Don't worry Riku with these types of games you win some and you lose some, the stall owner wouldn't make any money if everyone won something from the top row." Mitsuki says trying to cheer Riku up.
"That's true I guess..." Riku says then looks at Tenn who was talking to Gaku and Ryu.
"Well shall we continue?" Ryu asks when Mitsuki, Iori and Riku walk up to them.
"Actually Ryu I think I'm going to head over to a food stall." Tenn says.
"You sure?" He asks him.
"Yeah." Tenn replies then starts walking to the stalls to the left.
Riku watches Tenn leave.
"Actually I think I'm going to go get something to eat too." Riku says.
"Okay Riku." Ryu says then him, Gaku, Iori and Mitsuki start walking, but Iori and Mitsuki shoot Riku a couple of worried glances before they disappeared into the crowd.
"Alright where did Tenn-nii go?" Riku asks as he walks through the crowd of people looking for his brother, then he saw him standing at a dumpling stall, Riku made his way over to him.
"Tenn-nii I thought I wouldn't be able to find you amongst all these people." Riku says with a sigh of relief, but Tenn completely ignored him when he got his dumplings he started walking like he didn't even know Riku was there.
"Tenn-nii wait!" Riku calls out to Tenn then puts his right hand on Tenn's right shoulder forcing Tenn to stop. Tenn-nii why are you..."
"Stop calling me that annoying nickname and take your hand off of my shoulder!" Tenn snaps then turns his head to face Riku fury burning in his eyes. Riku startled takes his hand off of Tenn's shoulder and takes a step back.
"Riku why are you trying so hard to be with me?! Haven't I made it clear that I want nothing to do with you! So why... why did you try winning me a prize?! And even now your trying to be with me when I made it clear that we're no longer family and that I want nothing to do with you!" Fury was clear in Tenn's voice as he said that and Riku could feel tears stinging his eyes.
"Tenn... I'm... I'm sorry..." Tears rolled down Riku's cheeks. "I just wanted to enjoy the festival with you is all... but its obvious by that reaction that you don't want to enjoy it with me... well I will leave you alone like you want then." Riku turns and starts walking into the crowd his head hanging low, as Tenn watched Riku walk away he felt a pain of sadness pierce his heart. "Riku..." Tenn says then follows after Riku feeling pains of sadness and regret at seeing Riku like that.

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