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I shook my head as I started to assign patients to trauma surgeons that weren't busy with other surgeries.

Yeah, okay, Evan refused to leave my and Maia's sides after that day, and I didn't particularly want to be alone, scared that Ian would show up if he indeed did the prank, so I accepted the offer of Evan staying until I felt like I could breathe with ease again.

Contrary to what my friends would think, the stay was strictly friendly. Evan slept in the guest room and mostly kept to himself when he wasn't helping around the house or with Maia whenever I was at work.

I will never admit that during those days Evan spent in my house, I started to enjoy having his company again. I was well aware that I was making a huge mistake by letting myself imagine that we were a family like I've always wanted us to because in the end, accepting that the idea was long gone, buried somewhere in the past will hurt all over again.

"Why is it that you two are constantly gossiping about my life? It's quite annoying sometimes."

"We don't gossip about you. We really want you to be happy, Aggs."

    "By talking about who sleeps in my house?"


    "I'm messing with you, Zee." I laughed, catching the pen she threw at me before it could hit my face. "In all seriousness, nothing happened. I can't say that there aren't moments when I want to murder him, but it's slowly getting better. Not that it will change anything between us romantically."

No matter how much I was still in love with him, the thought of him being with Taylor behind my back still made me sick to my stomach.

It took me so long to open myself up to the possibility of falling in love again due to the fear of being played with and lied to just to end up in the same spot I was in before giving Evan a chance to prove that other guys weren't Ian.

I couldn't ignore the fact that before we fell in love with each other, we were close friends, so maybe if we couldn't have a romantic relationship, we could go back to having some sort of friendship. Perhaps that's all we are meant to be.

Daisy shook her head at me, looking quite disappointed. Her blonde curls bounced with every movement. "I'm not saying that what he did is okay, but Buck loves you, Agatha. The way he still looks at you kills me inside because I know you feel the same way."

"If he does love me, then why he kiss her, Daisy? Why did he sleep with her if he's so in love with me?"

"Because he's a guy, girly," she shrugged in defeat. "I still think that you should let him suffer just a tad more but then give him one more chance to prove you he loves you. If not, I'll murder him myself. Scouts honor."

    "Ms. Miller, I cleared all my non-emergency surgeries for the rest of the day to try and help out because this is chaos," Daisy and I simultaneously turned to the side to look at the new trauma surgeon. The guy wasn't just new to the hospital. He was fresh out of medical school. "Put me up for anything that would help you alleviate this growing mess."

    I heard Daisy snort next to me before she tried to cover it with a fake cough. I tried my best to resist the sudden urge to strangle my friend in front of my new boss and my father's colleague.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat