Part l • Introduction

Start from the beginning

Rubbing sleep from your eyes, you sat up in your bed. Looking out to the street and sighing as you saw college kids your age, packing their cars because they were headed to their beach homes for the summer.

You couldn't wait for Lily and her daughters to leave, so you could be left alone.

Lily's voice came back on the buzzer, "Y/N? Did you hear me, young lady?"

You rolled your eyes again and turned to press the button so you could answer back, "I heard you."

"Good! Let's go, Y/n, I don't have all day." She huffed as she hung up.

Serena, Blair and Jenny were sitting at the dining room table, happily munching their breakfest and gossiping about the latest breakups, hookups...

You entered the kitchen, and it certainly was a mess.

Apart from you, Lily, had other employees, John took care of the garden which was on the roof, Poppy was the girls' nanny, she took care of them much more than Lily did, and Gila cleaned and cooked. You did whatever Lily said to do...

"Iron Serena's dress for tonight's banquet.."

"Fold Blair's clothes, they are fresh out of the dryer.."

"Take JoJo for his walk and make sure to feed him, while also taking him to the groomer's.."

"Make Jenny a sandwich, she's very hungry because she just got back from being out all night..."

You furrowed your brows at why Gila wasn't in the kitchen, she usually does a great job at multitasking; cooking and cleaning at the same time to avoid a messy kitchen.

Gila was much older, in her mid forties, very pleasant and kind. Worried about you and your studies, you didn't know this but when your father passed after the accident - Gila was the one who found him, and he made Gila promise him that she'd look after you, because he knew he wasn't going to make it. So she did just that, she made sure school was well, she helped you with projects, advised you on just about everything - she was your mother figure.

You slapped some gloves on and scrubbed away, the sink was overflowing with dishes, so you started at the top...

Even though your stomach rumbled with hunger, you did as you are told.

"Serena, would like some more toast..." Poppy appeared behind you with a clean plate.

"And strawberry jam!" Serena called from the dinning room.

"...and strawberry jam." Poppy repeated, placing the plate on the counter.

"The jam is literally right there, Poppy," you motioned the jar of jam on the kitchen island, opened with a knife already beside it, "and you know where the bread is."

"Miss Serena only eats gluten free bread--" She stuttered, she was about 50 years old and you honestly tried to think why she was here taking care of those three devils.

"Poppy," you sighed, "could you give me a break? I'm literally doing the dishes, please make Miss Serena's toast yourself."

Another Cinderella Story • HaydenWhere stories live. Discover now