☁️ !His black eyes !Pt. 2 of Fun Time with DJ MM! ☁️

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 you powered on and noticed a huge crowd of grown-ups was on the dance floor, you joined in dancing with the others till the party was over, After the party you walked closer to him and raised your arms out again basically saying you wanted to play patty cake, he nodded and smiled raising his arms out slightly causing the ground to shake, he was big.


You guys played for a couple minutes, after it was done he laid back down and you couldn't help but run up and kiss him on the cheek before powering off on the dance floor.

You didn't see his reaction but that meant he didn't see yours and that was a good thing.


!!On the dance floor!! DJ Music Man X Female Animatronic reader !!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt