Chapter 2

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"Lieutenant Jee... we, um, have a situation."

Lieutenant Jee gave her the most exasperated look she had ever seen. This was a regular occurrence. "Elaborate."

"There's a dying person on the deck and I don't know what to do!" Sukiya blurted out, breathing a little too fast.

Sukiya had developed severe asthma as a child after inhaling ashes from a fire and was therefore was not accepted into the Fire Nation army. She had wanted very badly to help her country, so when the opportunity of being the cook of Prince Zuko's ship arrived, she took it. Who would pass up the chance to meet royalty, right? Of course, that was before she knew that she was joining Zuko into exile. He was dishonoured and banished until he found the Avatar (which technically meant never).

Sukiya had signed herself away to be miserable on a boat, surrounded by unknown weirdos. Atleast she had cooking to look forward to! Even that lost its novelty after a week. And she'd been on this ship for three years.

They were currently sailing in the Southern Water Tribes' territory. She was shivering in the cold as she eyed the fishing net, hoping to spot a few slight tugs before she pulled it in. Imagine her surprise when the rope practically started jumping. She'd caught something big! Sukiya was hoping it was a tiger-seal. She'd heard their meat was very juicy. Guess what emerged.

A gasping, half-dead, teenage boy. So, not a tiger-seal.

What in Agni's good name is this? Sukiya thought. How? How does a person get caught in a fishing net of all things??

The Water Tribe boy was pale with cold when they returned. He lay there unconscious on top of a pile of fish. All of the crew and even General Iroh and Prince Zuko had gathered around him. The small ship didn't allow for a lot of privacy.

"How in the world-"

"Did he come with these fish?"

"Who found the boy?"


"Take him to healer Kaito!"

Murmurs were all around, with people debating on whether a non-Fire Nation citizen should be saved or not. In the end, they all looked towards General Iroh for guidance.

"Take him to Kaito immediately. What are you all waiting for! Whether the soul was born in the Fire Nation or not, his life deserves to be saved," General Iroh declared. No one questioned him and did as he told.

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