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A/n: The ultimate battle:Sweet, Sour, or spicy? Your Answer →

My answer: Sweet stuff all the wayyy!



-x-* -x-

Dearest Draco,

We received, from your friend Blaise, quite some pictures of  you and Ms. Gibson, or dare I say, future Mrs. Malfoy , And it has crossed me, considering you two are ..close,you shall attend the yule ball together? If yes, I'll send her a dress.

Father and I are both pleased with your choice of a witch. We totally see why you have your heart set on Ms. Gibson - she is one beautiful witch.



-x- * -x-

Heart set on Amber my fucking foot.

I crushed the stupid letter into my fist and tossed it into the wastepaper basket. I dropped into a chair in the common room and then began thinking of what I was to reply to Mother, and the finest murder plans to murder Zucchini.



You mail a painting to the ministry and the Poltergeist tells on you and they ban you from hogsmeade weekends.

I entered the common room Wanting the day to end. Almost everyone had gone to hogsmeade while me, Theo and Jerry painted a picture of Peeves and burned it down.

Then it hit me. Maybe I could learn about my locket in the library..

I hadn't told anyone of the locket. But sooner or later, my friends would have to know. I just fear being judged for getting visions. I Spent fairly half of the day just searching for a book that might help. But in vain. As I slumped on a stool, I put on the locket and rubbed the core of the jewel just as shown in my handbook, A brief guide to enchanted Objects, When it gleamed a bright shade of Green. Page 217, The bottom paragraph read, " Green: Ancestral links to salazar. Three properties."

This, had 3 properties ?

My hands shivered as I slid off The locket and placed it into a small box. It now glowed black. I read through the lines when I reached black. "Black: The enchantment has chosen a wizard."


I hastily covered the book and my locket as Adrian suddenly ran upto me, smiling.

"Yes?" I said, putting back the books I had taken. 

"I got number C for question 13 in history. Is that correct?"

"yes," I said, now focussing on my essay for astronomy class.

"Do we need to practice aguamenti?"

" Yes."I said, not even hearing his question.

"Would you want to go out with me?"


"Great. see you tomorrow night ! "

I gasped realising I now had a date, mentally cursing myself for my ignorance as I watched Adrian skip off and out of the library.


" EEEE "

"For the last time, Pansy_"

"How dare you go out with adrian? You know I ship Dramber ! " She growled, throwing a book which nearly hit my head.

"This is my life, remember?"

Pansy hurled another book at me.


I got to the portrait hole when a cold hand wrapped around My Wrist. I spun to face malfoy and Shot him a dirty look before spitting out, "What do you want, Malfoy ?"

"see me in my dorm, Gibson."


A/ n:

Let me make ur brain hurt. Do flies call us walks?

Sorry it's Short! Pl. vote.

EMERALD TRIO (A FANFIC BY AMBER GRACE)Where stories live. Discover now