Part One

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[Kaashi, we're coming to meet you]

[Bo? Why? Thought we had to stay separated?]

[Just got new orders, but... I'm going to modify them]

[Bo, last time you modified orders...]

[I KNOW! I'm reminded every payday]

[So, then why...?]

[I need a better idea of who we have, and I'm sorry, but larger groups do not make sense, no matter the specialties. That's just asking for trouble]

[Understood. So, you want us all together?]

[Yes. Like in Himeji]

[But Bo..]

[I know. We got caught, and I'm taking a huge risk again. But I can't help thinking larger groups will be worse off for us]

[Even if the order comes from the top?]

[Yeah. Even then. We'll head your way, and then we can go to the villa]

[We'll wait...]

[Okay. But we'll have to split up from there. Too many to go all together]


[Love you]

[Love you too. Be careful]

[Yeah. Same]

Akaashi shut the phone, stuck it in his pocket, and turned his attention to the group around him. They had been staying in a cabin in the farthest part of a campground in Saitama. Just yesterday, their number was expanded by one; So Inuoka had been sent by their Superior, and was currently chatting excitedly with Kuroo.

"We're heading to the villa," he said unceremoniously. That got their attention, especially Hoshiumi, Inuoka and Atsumu.

"But wait. I thought we were to stay in place until..." Atsumu said.

"Bokuto is modifying."

"Like that went so well the last time," Hoshiumi replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, well, the original orders aren't sitting well with him, especially because we have more people being recalled to help. He wants to see us all and figure out who goes where."

"He's gonna be in so much trouble," Eita added.

"Hopefully not. Even so, I understand his reasoning."

"So, we'll all be together again, just like in Himeji?" Aunt Yui asked, her arm looped through Kuroo's.

"Yes, but hopefully not for long. As soon as Bokuto gets an idea of who we have, we'll go from there. Besides," he looked at Kuroo. "This will be beneficial for a few of us."

"Damn right," Kuroo replied quietly.

"All of us," Aunt Yui added. "I know a pair of brothers who are probably itching for a good scuffle." She glanced at Atsumu who grinned back at her.

"Anyway, we'll leave in the morning. Early. Everyone get some rest."


Nearly everyone left for their futons in the two bedrooms, except Akaashi, Kuroo, and Aunt Yui.

"Do you think it's wise?" Aunt Yui asked seriously, this time. "We got caught in Himeji. I can only assume being caught at this... villa... would be much worse." She almost said it like she knew what she was talking about. Tetsu glanced over at her, but said nothing.

"I agree," Akaashi said quietly. "And it would be much worse. But Bokuto has a plan, and I think we should at least hear him out."

"Do you think...?" Tetsu asked, but Akaashi shook his head.

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