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before louis could even fathom another peanut joke, my lips landed on zayn's.

at first i couldn't even believe what was happening. i was kissing zayn malik... i was kissing zayn fucking malik! i don't know how many times i have dreamt this moment and it was finally happening! it was everything i wanted but better. my stomach that was filled with knots, was now doing somersaults. my head was cleared of any worries and instead with pure bliss. at first my hands lay limply on my lap but now they were wrapped around his neck, while his were on my waist.

i gently gripped the hair at the back of his neck while his hands stroked my back. we were sort of at an awkward angle, our knees pushed together, our legs overlapping and our arms stretched out to reach each other. as time wore on, which felt like hours, our heads moving from side to side, we were gradually getting impatient as our kiss grew more heated.

his tongue gently pushed through my lips, meeting mine. as it grew more intense i could hear people in the room whoop and holler. i suddenly felt very embarrassed by what was being witnessed and i began to blush.

i carefully pulled from zayn, our lips disconnecting in a gentle pop. my eyes were wide with shock while his were half closed with amusement (and alcohol).

"fuck that was good," he remarked, flashing me a lazy smile. i simply giggled leaning into his shoulder.

"jesus christ lads!" louis reminded us of his presence, "get a room- i'm gonna be sick," he gagged, clamping a hand over his mouth and sprinting out of the room, leaving a trail of peanuts behind him.

i rested my head on zayn's shoulder, a bold move might i say, looking up at him as he smiled down at me. he placed me a gently kiss on my nose which made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"j, i've wanted you since the day you walked into this school, you were so cute with your big round puppy dog eyes and floppy hair," he says as twists strands of my hair in his fingers, "and when you fell in the art room, you reminded me so much of bambi," he chuckled. i blushed even harder. i was shocked to say the least at his confession and my knees were shaking. i can't believe he wants me! liam, or should i say james, the shy new kid!

"i want to take you out. dinner, movie, bungee jumping, whatever, you name it. well, maybe not bungee jumping i'm scared shitless of heights," i giggled again. what is wrong with me? i never giggled before now.

"okay," i shakily agreed, grinning from ear to ear.

"okay," zayn replied, with a smug grin.

"oh don't be going all 'the fault in our stars' on me, you were doing so well!" i pretended to shove him off me, feigning disgust.

he picked up on the joke, "but babe," oh lord, he called me babe! "My thoughts are stars i can't fathom into constellations!"

"i'll punch you in the face,"

"pain demands to be felt!"


aw arent they just goals af

btw sorry about the major gap, but arent you just proud of ireland today??

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