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Year 2005...

"Ryujin-ah, come on now dear..."

"Huh? Where are we going, mama?"

"We're going to visit our new neighbors, have you forgotten sweety?"

Little Ryujin gasped at what her father answered and excitedly jumped up from the couch, before she quickly ran upstairs to change her clothes. The parents can only laugh softly at their 5 years old daughter, who's always so jumpy and energetic.

"Mama, papa! I'm ready, let's go!"

"Woah, woah, slow down sweety... Come, hold papa's hand."


Ryujin happily obliged, while her other hand fixed the blue cap on her head. She can't wait to meet her new neighbors, especially the little girl she saw yesterday who looked really cute and fluffy.

"Mama, can I play with the little girl later?"

"Of course, dear! Well, only if she wants to..."

Ryujin smiled widely upon hearing this, and made sure to be friends with the girl. The Shin family arrived in front of the house, before the mother knocked on the wooden door. They brought homemade rice cakes and pastries to make the welcoming more presentable, and made sure that they were dressed in nice clothes. The door was opened by a lady, whom smiled warmly at them.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lee."

"Hello Mrs. Lee!"

"Oh my, good morning! Come on in, what brought the Shin family here?"

"We're here to officially welcome you into our neighborhood! We weren't able to do it the other day, because we figured that you still have things to do..."

Mrs. Lee led them all to the living room, and called her family members over. She thanked them for the presents, before the adults started talking. Ryujin pouted at this, but it was soon replaced with a wide smile when she saw the little girl she saw yesterday. What made her curious tho, was that there was another girl who looked exactly the same with the other one.

"Ah, Mr. Shin and Mrs. Shin! Nice to have you here!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lee..."

"Good morning, Mr. Lee!"

Ryujin smiled widely, and waved at the man who can't help but to laugh at her energy. Ryujin diverted her attention towards the two girls, before she also waved at them. The first girl waved back, while the other one shyly smiled at her.

"Oh, this is Chaeyon and Chaeryeong... Kids, say hi to our neighbors!"

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Shin!"


"I'm Ryujin!"

Ryujin stood up and walked towards the girls, offering both of her hands for a handshake. She found out that Chaeyon was a talkative kid, while Chaeryeong was a really shy one.

"Are you twins?"


"No, I'm her older sister! I'm 8 years old, and Chaeryeong is 5 years old!"

"Ah, you're Chaeyon unnie then! I'm also 5 years old!"

The adults let the kids be, knowing that it's better for them to interact with people around their age to let them have fun.

"Chaerrie, let's take Ryujin to the garden!"

"Okay, unnie..."

"Ooohhh, you have a garden? Do you have many flowers?"

Chaeryeong nodded at her, because her Chaeyeon unnie was walking ahead of them. She was extremely shy, but she felt that Ryujin was a good kid so she tried her best to be a bit friendly to her.

"Ryeongchae~ Where are you going to study? I hope we can be classmates!"

"A-Ah, my mom said that I'd be studying at the nearest school from here—"

"Ah, I go there too! How about Chaeyeon unnie?"

"She goes to a different school..."

"Awie, that's sad... But it's fine! I hope we can be the bestest of friends!"

"O-Okay, we can be best friends..."

Ryujin smiled widely at this, before they both got called by Chaeyeon who was excitedly waiting for them at the garden.

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