Chapter 4

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As soon as Helen opened her mouth, the man put the sword closer to her neck.

“You will only answer my questions.”

“My name is Edith Cordelia….”

“Is that your name?”


The man who saw Helen behaving obediently put the sword away. However, he could have easily subdued her with one hand.

Carmun put the sword away, but he still stared at Helen with a suspicious look.

The gaze of the man was very burdensome.

‘No, it’s terrifying…..’

Helen was frightened by the huge size of the man. Her father was much smaller than this man, but when he hit her, it hurt a lot.

So if this man hit her, she might not be able to walk tomorrow.

“Why did you come here?”

“Ah…, I was looking for a book.”

“A book?”

The man frowned at Helen’s words.

“So you are from this country?”


“Answer me.”

Helen answered in a tearful voice to the man’s urging.

“No, I’m from a small country far away called Cordelia.”

“Why have you come?”

“Ah, I got married here.”

“Then why are you here, without your husband?”

“I haven’t seen my husband. He probably doesn’t even know I’m here. I’m just here to read a book. …. If you let me go…”


The man said in a frightened tone.

Helen suddenly burst into tears.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Her father told her that she shouldn’t cry in front of other people.

But she was so scared that she couldn’t help but cry.

“I’m sorry…”

A Fake Concubine Was Caught by the TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now