Chapter 12

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October 2, 1958.

The Colonel would be over any moment but Georgia was straddling Elvis and her tongue was invading his mouth. They had been in this dizzying dance for minutes, how many they didn't know or dare to guess. Elvis' hair was already a mess atop of his head from too many swipes of Georgia's fingers.

The new information had been a lot to take in and they still hadn't come to an agreement about what they were going to do when it was time for Elvis to go to Germany. Georgia came by to walk about it, to make some plans, but instead they ended up in a lip lock like high school sweethearts who could not keep their hands off each other.

Both Elvis and Georgia jumped when the doorbell rang. Their foreheads bumped against each other, causing both of them to cry out in pain.

"Colonel," Elvis muttered as Georgia scrambled off his lap and frantically adjusted her clothing. Elvis rubbed his forehead until the pain disappeared. He rose to his feet, running his fingers through his hair to slick it back before trying to wipe the lipstick off his face.

"You're makin' it worse," Georgia groaned, lowering her head in embarrassment. She walked over to the sink and wet a towel to wipe away the evidence of their transgressions. They weren't children. They had every right to do as they desired in this department, but Colonel Parker did not have to see. Meanwhile the banging outside continued.

Dread overcame Elvis before he even touched the door handle, but he pulled the door open nonetheless. There stood the Colonel in all his glory, a cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

"Boy," he mumbled around the object, then slammed the door. "We're in trouble."

Elvis forehead wrinkled. Before he could respond in any way Georgia snapped, "Oh, because of me?" in the background.

The Colonel's cold eyes whipped toward her. "I didn't know that you—" he spat out the word, "are here. What are you doing here?"

"Seein' me," Elvis said firmly. Tom made a sound of objection but sucked on his cigar instead of speaking.

"I guess I better get goin', then," Georgia said. Elvis, however, grasped her by the forearm and gave a firm shake of the head.

"You leave either when you want to or when I say so. It's my house."

"Are you in a mood, boy?" Tom asked pointedly.

The corners of Elvis' lips twitched in irritation. "What is the problem?"

"What is the problem?" Tom repeated, his voice rising with every word. "You are going to Germany in less than a month. Do you realize that?"

"Yes," Elvis forced out, his stomach dropping at the mere though thought though he was determined not to let the Colonel know.

"You don't need any rumors goin' around right now. You're in the army and that's all we want them talking about now, understand?"

"Well what is—"

"Your parents walked down to the orphanage and got themselves a little kid."

"And why aren't my parents allowed to do that? They got their own lives. Not everything they do has anything to do with me. I'm workin' a lot and now I'm gonna leave for Germany, they might want some company. " He wasn't going to tell the Colonel that his parents would come to Germany with him. Not now. Not until it was too late and the Colonel was an ocean away. Then, it would be easy. Then, Elvis could hang up on him and ignore him.

Elvis watched the Colonel's incredulity turn to something entirely else, something much more sinister. "Well, it got people talking, Elvis. It got them talking that maybe that's your little girl."

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