Who to choose

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Lillie pov
Right Now were on a ship heeding to Alola with my father who disappeared due to a accident. "I can't wait for you to see all my friends, father!" I said happily "Indeed" my brother Gladion
said, "So Lillie dear when are you going to have a boyfriend" said mother "Mother!" I said embarrassed by my mother's question. As we all laughed.

As the alolan sun went down, night fell twinkling stars shined in sky with the glorious moon shined high in the sky. I was behind the ship arms on her rails, as the alolan breeze. I started to think about my first love Elio, we shared so much memories together, I loved him. But then there's Ash he was the one who helped me with my fear of pokemon, saved my mother from an nihilego, his enchanting bright smile. Just made my heart flutter.

"Oh who to chose" I said out loud
"Why don't you just go with the one who confesses to you first?" my brother suggested
"And why would I take love advice from you?" I replied with a smirk "May I remind you me and Moon are a thing" he said " Speeding about Moon how is she? I asked "She's doing fine. She catched lots of pokemon he answered with a smile and a blush. "Aren't you excited to finally be back home with everyone else?" I asked. He simply smiled and nodded, he then said "Hai, let go in it's kinda getting cold" he said, I simply said "Hai.". As we went in holding hands.

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