Chapter 1

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All chapters will be in Teri's POV!

It's the first day of their senior year. Teri is waiting outside on her porch for Sherri to come and pick her up for school. While she is waiting , the front door opens. Its her mother, Sharon.

" Hi sugar, you ready for your first day of your senior year! " Sharon said.

" Yes!!!!" I said enthusiastically. As I said that Sherri pulled up in my driveway. When I saw her I had the biggest smile on my face. I haven't seen her in two weeks because she was off voluntary at a kids camp which her parents made her do, for volenteer hours for school. We texted every day, but that wasn't the same.

" Bye mom, I'll see you after school" I said. "Love you".

" Bye sweetie, Tell Sherri I said hi" Sharon said. "Love you too"

*Sharon Leaves to go to work*

As I was walking to her car, she was smiling from ear to ear. I gave her that same smile back.

*Opens car door*

"Hey Love. " Her girlfriend of 3 months said. Sherri gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hi Babe." I said. " I've missed you so much" Teri pulled her in for a long , passinate kiss.

"I missed you more" Sherri said smiling.

*High School*

They both went their seperate ways to get their schedule. Sherri was now waiting for Teri over by the vending machines. Five minutes later, Sherri's phone beeped. It was a text message from Teri.

* Hey love, I got my schedule. Where are you - T.*

* Hey, I'm over by the vending machines. Talking to Kelly and Jenna. - S.*

* Okay, I'll be right there! <3 - T.*

*<3 <3 - S.*

So Sherri and I have math and english together with Kelly and Jenna, our friends. I thought to myself this should be fun, having two classes with Sherri and my two good friends. Math class is 4th period, right before lunch and english is 7th period (last class of the day). Which is great because I don't have to wait for sherri after school, like I did all last year!

*Math Class*

"You guys are seniors now, sit wherever you like". The teacher Mr. Foster said.

So Sherri, Kelly, Jenna, and I all sat next to eachother in the very back of the room. It went Sherri then me right behind her. Beside us were Kelly and Jenna.

Only 15 minutes into the class and I'm already bored out of my mind.... Mr. Foster was talking about the rules of the classroom and what to expect out of this class. I looked over my desk to see if Sherri was as bored as I was, NOPE! She's taking notes, like a good little student.

I noticed her phone is on her desk, so I decide to text her.

*Texting in Math Class*

* Hey babe, I can't believe your taking notes. Such a good student! I'm bored out of my mind lol. -T.*

* Hey, well someody has too! haha. After this class we have lunch, you won't be bored then! :) -S.*

* TRUE THAT! Hey you know what? -T.*

* What?-S.*

* I have to go to the bathroom, when this class is over. Come with me and we can make out in one of the stalls, when I'm done! LMAO :D -T.*

* Your so crazy love. Okay! I'll text Kelly and tell her that we both have to go to the bathroom and will meet Jenna and her in the cafeteria after. *Kisses symbol* -S.*

* Okay honey. I can't wait to kiss your cherry red lips! - T.*


* I can't wait to kiss your pink lips! <3 -S.*

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