From where i really came from...

Start from the beginning

"Um, h-hi, Who are you? Are you looking for someone?" I asked as I looked at him in confusion, I thought that maybe he got the wrong house, because this was the first time in my life that I saw him.

"Ah, actually, yes, I am looking for someone, and luckily I just found him." Said as he watched me with a warm smile.

"Um, You're looking for... me? Why?" I said anxiously for not knowing the reason why he's looking for me, besides the fact that he still hasn't told me his name.

"First of all, Can I come in? I've had a long and exhausting journey to get here, and you know, the body of an old man like me isn't what it used to be." He said in a calm tone, every time he spoke he did it in that tone, it made everything feel at peace.

"Yeah, I suppose you can come in." I said as I thought "What harm can it do to let an old man in?"

Just when I gestured for him to enter the house, my mom walked from the kitchen to where I was with a tray in her hands and asks me.

"Why are you taking so long dear?" And as she looks at the old man her eyes grow wide and spoke these words in a hush.


Out of shock, my mother dropped the tray she was carrying, making that everything that was in it fall to the ground. My father heard this and rushed to where we were, and he looks at the scene and it looked like he processed everything quickly in his head, and said, in an upset tone.

"What are you doing here? You know you can't be here right now, come, let's go to my office to talk." Said my father, he grabbed my mother's hand and the three of them walked to my father's office.

Confused by everything that just happened, I went to the living room where my grandma was, and I asked her.

"Grandma, Do you know someone named Dumbledore?"

My grandma, who was drinking water, upon hearing this name almost choke with the water, and between coughs she started to say.

"How do you know that name?"

"Mom and dad are talking with him in the office, I thought that you might know, Who is he?"

"Um, he's a... an old friend, yes, I suppose you could call him that." Said my grandma, trying to be careful with the words she says.

"Oh, cool, Could you tell me more about him?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with curiosity

"Well... let your parents tell you that, okay?" She said.

"But... can't you tell me at least something, even if it's a little? You know they don't tell me a lot of things."

"Let's just say he's someone important." And knowing she wouldn't tell me anything else, I stopped asking her about it.

My grandma stood up and went to the office, closing the door as she entered.

Curious to know who he was, I walked to my father's office trying to hear something by leaning against the door, I didn't hear a lot, but I did hear one thing, I heard my grandma's voice say.

"Sorry to intrude, but that boy deserves to know what he is."

There was an abrupt silence, and I heard footsteps, quickly I walked away and seconds later the door was opened, my grandma, on the other hand, walked out with a happy face, like she finally felt free.

The four of them gathered in the living room, where they indicated me to go, I obeyed them without saying a word, when I got there my parents looked at each other, looked at Dumbledore, and nodded.

The (Un)Wanted Grandson | Hermione x Male Reader | Harry Potter and TPSWhere stories live. Discover now