Back Stories!

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Here's what I normally see in a creepypasta OC's back story:

• Abuse
• Bullying
• Neglect
• Loneliness
• Gradual Insanity
• Drugs

But do OCs really need all this stuff? People do it all the time. The parents abuse their child for NO APARENT REASON and the child goes insane. He/she MURDERS them and then decides that he/she should RUN AWAY and MURDER other people. Is there ANYTHING wrong with that? ANYTHING?

I'll admit, I made an OC just like this, but I was ten, and I saw OTHER PEOPLE'S OCs and thought that a good OC had to be like that. But maybe there are other things that could happen to your OC to make him/her start killing people. Here are some ideas:

• Your OC feels sympathy or empathy for a person or group of people, and then they are killed or tortured.
• The OC has paranoia, and is afraid of everyone, but winds up killing everyone by accident.

These are just ideas, but try to just avoid all the abuse/bullying and stuff. People overuse it.

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