The Wise King and a Pig?

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[A/N: Nabe still has the demon mark activated and O/S means off screen]

3rd POV

You were all walking on the path to Carne Village and you notice that there is an awkward silence, so you walk up to the swords of darkness and whisper only loud enough for them to hear

(Y/N): Did something happen?
Ninya: Well I was a bit insensitive about a touchy topic last night.
(Y/N): Is that so? Well if that's the case why don't you guys try making up.
Ninya: Well um.
(Y/N): Oh I see, well if the topic was really that sensitive I can see why Momon is upset, but give him a bit of space and he'll act like nothing happened.
Ninya: Thanks for the advise.

Momon: .....

Ninya: "Hey Mr. Momon, about what I said last night I'm really sorry." He says doing a light bow
Flashback end

Momon: (Sure mentally and physically I'm an undead but my emotions are getting the better of me.)
Lukrut: "Um, this area has quite the scenery why don't we stop and relax?" He says trying to lighten the mood a but more
Peter: It's important to be on guard.
Dyne: He's right careless gets you killed.
Ninya: For all we know a dragon could come and ambush us and roast all of us before we have to time to react.
Lukrut: Give me a break you can't seriously believe that would happen?
Ninya: "Actually there's multiple local legends that support this claim, apparently there's a dragon near E-Rantel that's able to control nature at will, and North Ive heard that quite a bit of frost Dragons that make their nest in the mountains, and for all we know there could be hundreds up there" he says looking at the snowy mountains

Momon: Ahem, Ninya you wouldn't happen to know the name of the dragon with the power of nature now would you?
Ninya: Sorry no idea but I'll ask when we get back to town.
Momon: Yes please do, that would be of great help to me.
Ninya: Right you can count on me!

The sword of darkness and you chuckle at this

Nfirea: We should be at Carne Village within the hour.

Momon: (Dragons were considered the 2nd strongest species right after the demons and Goddesses back in YGGDRASIL, if they do exist in this world I should be careful around them)

(Y/N): (Even though demons along with the Goddesses were the strongest race there was a huge risk to become one, you would have to reach at least level 60 to try and become a demon but if you failed to become a demon then you would go back to level 20 and you would have to grind again, there was a 30% chance that you would become a demon but only a 0.5% chance that you would even become a high ranked demon because of this people didn't want to really become demons since it was too much work and it wasn't worth it since you also had to give a ton of gold and you would also have to kill so many creatures to be able to take this gamble, even I almost gave up but luckily I was able to become a high ranked demon but then life decides to be hoe and let's your little brothers turn into high ranked demons on their first try. But hey at least we saved a bunch of time)


Nfirea: Huh that's strange.
Peter: What's the matter?
Nfirea: Im pretty sure that huge fence wasn't there the last time I was here.

At the fence

Goblin 1: Hey get the boss we may have some trouble.
And with that the other Goblin starts running away to get their boss

With (Y/N)

Lukrut puts his hand up indicating that something is wrong and almost immediately a bunch of goblins appear

Lukrut: "I knew I smelled something foul." He says putting an arrow on his bow
Goblin 1: "That's close enough blondey" the goblins says while pulling back the string on his bow

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