"There you are, (Name)! We were about to come get you!" You stopped in your tracks for a split second when you saw Mahiru and Hiyoko. You quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction once again.

No matter where you ran, you'd see your classmates waiting for you, and something kept telling you to run away from them. Oddly enough, none of them chased after you. This just served to further creep you out.

"Hey, (Name)!"

"(Name)! Where ya going!?"

"(Name)! P-Please don't run so fast!"

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" You yelled once you couldn't take it anymore. You could barely catch your breath anymore. Your ribs burned. Your legs were sore. You just couldn't run anymore.

You heard footsteps approach you from behind, and you looked to see who it was. Your heart sank when you recognized Junko's sister.

"Nothing personal." Was all she said as she put a rag over your nose and mouth. You gasped, which ended up being a huge mistake as you felt your consciousness slip away shortly afterwards.

"Hey. Wake up."

You opened your eyes to see you were in what appeared to be some kind of courtroom, with a black and white teddy bear sitting on a throne. You looked towards the source of the noise, and your eyes widened when you saw Nagito.

"Oh thank goodness. I was getting impatient. I've been down here by myself so long it started to get boring." Nagito sighed.

"What's going on?" You asked as you helped yourself up. Nagito awkwardly laughed.

"Well... it's a bit hard to explain. Just look down, okay." Nagito instructed you as he pointed down at the floor. You looked down, and your whole body went cold at what you saw.

A knife.

The monitors around the room flashed on, displaying the words "WHOEVER HAS THE STRONGEST DESPAIR WILL WIN THE GAME. YOU CAN ONLY LEAVE WHEN SOMEONE WINS."

"Is that good enough for you?" Nagito asked. Fully realizing what the two of you were expected to do, you quickly grabbed the knife and shakily pointed it at him.

"Aw. You're that quick to point a knife at me? That just breaks my heart." Nagito sadly looked down at the floor before chuckling.

"Stay back, Nagito... I-I'm not afraid to-"

"Do it, then."

You froze as Nagito made it clear that he had no plans on fighting back if you were to attack him. You gulped, deciding not to trust his vulnerability as you backed away from him as far as you possibly could.

"No? Alright, then. Just know we aren't allowed to leave until one of us... you know." Nagito said as he sat down on the floor.

"...Why are you so okay with this?" You asked. Earlier today, Nagito had made it abundantly clear that he wanted Junko dead. Why was he so calm after being put in this situation by her?

"I'm not. You want to know what they said to me? I was the thing that would bring you the most despair. Can you believe that? I show you all my kindness and love, and yet I'm your biggest source of despair? I'm not sure you can comprehend how much that stings." Nagito said as he clutched at his heart in a semi-dramatic manner.

"You stalked me." Was your only response.

"That's true, I guess. Even if all I wanted was for you to talk to me. I was never going to hurt you, (Name)." Nagito said.

"...Aren't you the same guy who goes on and on about how he's trash that doesn't deserve the time of day?" You asked as your eye started twitching.

The Outcast (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now