Part 6

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The loud noise that comes from their front door wakes Takaki and Kei from their sleep. Kei rubs her eyes as she sits, trying to see the time on the clock.

2.15 am.

The noises continue. Seems like the front door is being violently knocked by someone, accompanied by a female voice shouting Takaki's name. In between, Kei could hear footsteps rushing outside the master bedroom- it must be the servant trying to get a hold on the situation.

"Who's looking for you this late?" Kei turns towards her husband, frowning.

Takaki shook his head. He gets on his feet and put on his night robe. He walks towards the wall and switches on the light before finally walks towards the door.

"You're going?" Kei voices her concern.

"Someone is shouting at my door. I want to know why."

"She passed through our main security. She could be dangerous!"

Takaki pauses for a while. He knows his wife too well. Kei's 'always expect for the worst' notion is very familiar to him and this household.

"You're right," Takaki picks up his cell phone. "If I didn't call you in 10 minutes, call the cops."

The man makes his way downstairs. The cries gets louder and clearer as he steps closer to the main living room. Takaki recognizes the voice. It belongs to someone he knows. He starts dialing from his cell phone.

"Kei, I think it's best for you to come down," says Takaki before ending the call. He turns on the lights for the living room and waits for his wife to join him. Two of their servants are already standing by the front door, waiting for Takaki's order.

Kei grabs his husband's hand tight the moment she arrives. The two of them stare at each other with puzzling look.

"Yuya, this voice..."

Takaki nods. "It's her."

The couple walk to the door, with Takaki signaling their servant to step back. Kei opens the door, and as they guessed Ryosuke is standing at their doorsteps- weeping uncontrollably.

Ryosuke, without any warning, hugs Takaki tight.

Takaki freezes, unsure how to react to Ryosuke's sudden gesture. This is their first encounter after knowing about their relationship. His mind goes blank.

"Takaki san..." Ryosuke calls in her sobs. "Papa..."

Takaki's heart turns soft. His paternal instinct for Ryosuke awakens. No matter how much Daiki tried to keep him in the dark about Ryosuke's existence, fate brought them together. Of all the people in the world, she is bound to meet Yuto; to meet Takaki. The lady whom he was prepared to accept into his family, is actually his biological daughter all along.

Slowly, Takaki returns the embrace.

"My daughter."


Kei moves to her left and hugs the sobbing Ryosuke from the side. "Oh dear... this whole thing must have overwhelmed you," she gently strokes Ryosuke's head. Kei felt the same the first time Takaki told her about his ex-wife and best friend's betrayal. She couldn't imagine being in Ryosuke's place and having to hear all of this.

Ryosuke wipes her tear. "I don't know what to do. I can't stay in the house, but I've nowhere to go. I- I'm sorry to bother you and Takaki-san at this hour."

"Don't be," Kei reassures. "I'm glad that you choose to come to us. My poor girl..."

Takaki sips from the cup in his hand. "Your parents must be very worried right now. You need to call them."

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