Part 2

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"Yuto's gone,"

Yuya gives out a long sigh. He rests his back against the sofa, still gripping the old picture in his right hand.

"Are you all right?" Kei sits next to her husband and hold his left hand dearly.

"I don't know..." Yuya shook his head. "I... she... Ryosuke..."

"She's your daughter," Kei takes the picture form Yuya's right hand. "I told you she had your eyes."

"Kei please..."

"It wasn't your fault Yuya. You didn't know."

"Why would Daiki kept it a secret? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Perhaps she thought the child wasn't yours?" Kei throws in her guess.

Yuya bites his lower lips. He has never felt so confused before. He feels like walking through the dark chapter of his life again- the chapter about his first love that does not get the happy ending he wished for.

The one memory he intended to let sink at the bottom of the ocean forever.

"Maybe it's time to tell Yuto the truth."

"No," Yuya dismisses Kei's suggestion. "It'll break him."

"I don't want him to continue blaming you for the things you didn't do. It's unfair for you."

"And it's cruel to reveal everything to our son when he is in despair, especially now."

Kei looks at her husband in the eyes. Yuya never change a bit. He is still the kind soul she married to 25 years ago. His gentle heart crushed him once, and Kei is sure that the history will repeat itself.

"Yuya, listen to me," Kei holds her husband's hand tighter. "We both know who Daiki is. Well, you know her more than I do. I mean, you guys were together for sometimes, right?"

"Where're you going with this Kei?"

"All I'm trying to say is- be careful."

"What's in your mind?"

"You know how manipulative Arioka was. Not that I'm saying this is one of her plot, but, you know... what she made you went through at that time... Whatever you plan to do next, please be extra vigilant."

Yuya caresses Kei's right cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not that naïve anymore. I won't let her play me the second time. But promise me, don't you ever tell Yuto anything until I got this matter thoroughly investigated, okay?"

Kei nods. "I promise," she gives her words.

Yuya brings his wife closer and hugs her tight. "Everything will be fine, I swear."


Yabu paces around in the living room, anxiously checking the clock now and then. It is approaching 10pm, which is way past the time they set to meet up with Yuto's family. But until now neither Yuto or Ryosuke is here yet to pick them up.

"Where are they?" Daiki looks at her cell phone. She has been texting her daughter for the past hour but none of them get through. Worst, all her calls went straight into the voicemail. "I'm having bad feelings Kota."

Yabu frowns. Just like his wife, him too is worried about their daughter and future son in law's whereabout.

What if they were robbed?

Or being in an accident?

"Maybe I should go and search for them."

"I'm coming with you," Daiki grabs her purse.

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