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Happy birthday Severus, today is the ninth so today is Severus' birthday.

Severus Snape is not one to celebrate anything unless it was death. Today did not feel great for him, it was just another reminder that his death is one year closer and that his age is older now. People in the last told him as he got older so would his wisdom, but he doesn't feel that happening yet. Severus made his way to his classroom with all these thoughts juggling in his mind. He roughly opened the door and placed his papers and quills on his desk and prepared for his first class of the day to come inside.

He checked the bottles of ingredients and placed them back on his shelf. 'Perhaps, I will
treat myself to a slice of pie later on.' Severus mused to himself and he picked up a piece of chalk and started writing the directions on how to brew Draught of Peace. His fifth year students were supposed to brew the potion, hopefully not messing it up by being complete morons.

"Severus?" A voice called out from the doorway.

Severus turned around and faced his husband who was holding up a plate with a slice of chocolate cake with a candle stuck on top.

"Sadly I couldn't bring the whole cake without raising suspicion but...Happy Birthday?" His husband said as he let out a toothy grin.

Severus couldn't help but chuckle as he walked over to his husband.

"Thank you Remus." Severus muttered as he kissed Remus' head and took the plate out of his hands.

"Make a wish, and then I will get out of your hair and let you have a fun time with your students." Remus replied while he eyes filled with glee and mischief.

"Yes, fun is the word I would use as well."

Remus rolled his eyes in response while shaking his head, "Come on, just one wish."

"Fine. Fine. One wish." Severus dismissed as he held the plate in front of him and the small flame was glowing in his eyes.

'A wish? I wish....I sound like a child. I never got the moment to make one with the fear that my life would be over. I suppose I wish for a lot of things, for example Harry Potter to live and kill the Dark Lord. Remus' survival in the war, Dumbledore to stop using children as his warriors in the upcoming war as well. Perhaps for our future to include not so much  hatred, perhaps people would be willing to accept Remus and I's relationship with one another. Alright...I wish that I will someday come in term that everything I have done is one day forgivable and I deserve a quiet and peaceful life...' Severus' thought process was hard in the terms of him having to search for a reason to wish happiness upon himself.

Remus relaxed and said nothing, knowing his husband and how hard it was to aloud himself the wonderful pleasures of his life. His attention went back to Severus, when the candle hue went out and the clack of the plate setting down on the desk. Remus wrapped his arms around Severus' waist and stayed there for a few minutes. The couple lifted their heads when they heard the subtle sound of teenagers walking towards them.

"I will see you later, my love." Remus said as he pecked Severus's cheek and snuck out from the back door that led to Severus' private chambers.

"Enter." Severus' dull voice rang out as the students wrestled to head inside.

Class went as normal until one of the students decided to use their head and point out something on their professor's desk.

"Hey, why does Snape have cake? I thought he just like didn't ever..." A student whispered when Severus turned his back to add notes to his notes to the original instructions.

One whispered turned in two and two turned into four, and then it was in a matter of seconds that the whole classroom was brought up in chatter.

"Silence." Severus' voice boomed over and everyone was quiet in a instance.

A hand shot up in the air and Severus had no choice but to call on her. "Yes, Ms. Acker?"

"Why do you have a slice of cake on you desk? Are you celebrating something? A remembrance of someone? A celebration, perhaps? Were you just hungry?" Sunny Acker, a fifth year hufflepuff student, asked all in one breath.

"I am celebrating another year of not dying, if you like to put that way." Severus curtly said as he turned his back to the board once more.

"Professor Snape, it's your birthday? How come I didn't know? I thought you cared for all of us." Sunny pouted as she rushed to write something down on her parchment.

"I am not exempt to entertain you morons with my personal life."

After that little interruption, the class went smoothly and ended faster than any of them had expected. Sunny hung back and gestured to her classmates to go on without her. She made her way to Severus' desk and held out a piece of paper.

"What is this?" Severus asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"A card. You know one that you receive on your birthday. I hope you enjoy it, I will make you a better one later, but I hope you have a wonderful day Professor Snape." Sunny smiled as she dropped the card on his desk and skipped her way out of class.

"A happy damn birthday to me." Severus smiled as he stabbed his cake and took a bite out of it.

Words: 948

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