Disturbance of a Letter📝

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A headache took over my mind as I stumbled my way to my car, heavy rain still pouring on me. What does it mean? Who is it from? Is this some kind of joke? I had so many questions rightfully so. The letter placed on my desk at the end of the day left me speechless with so many questions left unanswered.

...6 hours beforehand...


Mr Basioli P.O.V

School begins late on Wednesdays, however, we teachers were always assigned to get to work early no matter what day. I wondered that morning if I really wanted to go to work or not, thoughts of simply not showing up and vanishing would often come to mind, but I needed the money from it so that's what kept me going.

In any case, the school was always calm in the mornings, but it was something about Wednesday mornings that spiked anxiety in me. The thought of being too early or too late always haunts me despite the fact I know I made it on time. I strolled in through the gates greeting the teacher who would stand at the front. I advanced towards the teacher's lounge to make myself a cup of coffee. No matter what amount of sugar was added it always tasted... unpleasant. I couldn't complain much as it was the only refreshment, I had for the mornings so I did what I could.

I took a seat at one of the tables and quickly lifted myself off it once I felt a sensation beneath me.

The chair zapped me!? Although that's what it felt like, a kind of vibration from the seat to my butt.
Humiliating as it was, it kind of felt good like an extreme massage sort of way but I still ended up with coffee all over me.

"God damnit!" I grumbled. In addition to the fact that it spilled on my lap, it was also directly on my groin. I quickly snatch paper towels off the table and begin patting down my crotch. Regardless of how dry I got it to be a stain visible on my shorts caused it to seem like I'd leaked through my underwear.

I swear I could sense somebody looking at me so I looked over my shoulder to see who it might have been. However, no one was there.

I analyzed the seat once I was satisfied with how dry the shorts were and tried to find the cause of the sudden vibration. The chair seemed to be steady. No indication of electric shock around it.

So, what zapped me?, I thought whilst subconsciously caressing my bottom.

I exited the lounge room and headed towards my classroom for a break. I sigh as I open the door to my first class, Math. Not a subject I was particularly good at teaching, but I filled in as a sub for their teacher. I waited in the classroom looking outside the window. I laid back on the comfortable seat and rested my feet on the desk. The number of students increased as time passed, and eventually, the bell rang.

Students slowly gathered outside the classroom chattering among themselves. I was given a note from their teacher that read; -The students are on the iPads today. They are studying 'Congruent Shapes' on Mangahigh. Their logins are in their folders. Thanks. - D.Muler.

I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders. Easy enough, I thought and grabbed the iPads from the storage room.

The whole lesson felt shorter than usual. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I didn't speak to any of the students as they were busy with the iPads, but it certainly felt like time by went faster.

Soon enough the bell rang, and the students were dismissed. I wasted no time getting up and walking to the canteen for lunch. As teachers, we have access to cut through lines and order our food from the canteen directly. I favoured the chicken and mayo sandwiches they had so they always knew what I wanted.

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