Taurus 1 (Apollo)

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*Mount Olympus, bed chambers*

Apollo: *Knocking at Artemis's door* Sis, it's me Apollo. Can I borrow some animal skin? I want Athena to make me a new scarf.

Still no answers

Apollo:Hm... I wonder if she's asleep? *Slowly opens the door and went inside*

Apollo: *Finds his sister asleep on her bed* Aw... I think this is the first time I saw her sleep like this since the last time we were kids.

Apollo: *Slowly approach her and pet her head slowly* She's kinda cute like this, when she's not all grumpy and threatening when she's awake. She's not always like this, back when we were kids. She was a lot quieter and reserved, until we became adults; her wild side started showing.

Apollo: *Laugh quietly* I actually like it when she can't do anything but I can.

Apollo: *Suddenly has an idea* I think it's okay if I sleep next to her, it's been a long time since we shared the same bed. We're always close with each other whenever we sleep, and I want to know how it feels like again.

Apollo: *Quietly sleeps on her bed and slowly hugs her* Woah, she smells nice. Normally she always smells like the forest but this time she smells like one of my favourite perfumes.

Apollo: *Slowly feels tired* Yawn... Gods, this quiet and serene atmosphere sure is my kind of atmosphere. And being here with sis sure makes it more comforta... Z-Z-Z

10 hours later

Artemis: *Slowly yawn and opens her eyes* Gods, what a dream. I had a dream that my brother is here, but that's ridiculous-

Artemis: *Turns around and saw Apollo, still hugging her* What the?! Brother?! What are you doing here? Let me go!

Apollo: *Mumbles in his sleep* Ahaha... you're not getting away... from me this time... Daphne.

Artemis: *Instantly felt scared* Oh no, he's having one of his past lovers dream again. I already know how this is going to end.

Apollo: *Started kissing* Come here Daphne... give me one kiss...

Artemis: *Started to freak out* SOMEONE! HELP ME!

Taurus enjoy relaxing in serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sounds, soothing aromas, and succulent flavors.

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