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The team all met back in the station, and Melinda washed her hands of the blood that was on them

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The team all met back in the station, and Melinda washed her hands of the blood that was on them. When she came back out, everyone began discussing what had happened. She walked over and sat in a chair next to Derek as they discussed what they had. "The man was Walter McAllister. He is the owner of the restaurant. He was just stabbed. He wasn't hit with a blunt object like the others." Aaron explains and David began to guess what happened, "He must've ran away before he could finish the job." Derek steps forward, "Daisy and I found this." Derek holds up the journal the two found and placed it on the table, "It has all our victim's names." Jemma took it and began to look through it then looked up at them all, "Why would they give us that?" Emily looked at her, "To see how smart we are." David remembered what Jemma had found at the victim's house and announced it to the whole team, "Jemma figured out something." Jemma looked at him with a 'why me' look but then sighed as everyone turned to her. She looked at everyone with a professional smile, "We went to where the body was found and I realized that it couldn't have been just from a blunt object." Emily nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We went to the morgue and they said both of them were also stabbed." Spencer informed them all as he was reading a file, "He's reversing it, or maybe that's how the order was in the first place." JJ nodded and began to make a guess about how it went, "Stab and then hit them over the head." Melinda shook her head, "Reverse. Hit them in the head and maybe the victim got up, so the killer stabbed them." Derek was confused about the last one, "The last one wasn't hit with an object so the unsub must be changing his M.O." Aaron nodded and gestured to his girlfriend next to him, "May and I will talk to the Chief." Daisy nodded and gestured to her phone before walking out of the room, "I'll talk to Penny." Melinda looked out the door, not liking that Aaron called her May again, and she saw Janet watching them again making her sigh as she got up to follow Aaron out. Janet smiled flirtatiously at Aaron, before sending Melinda a dirty look. Melinda scoffed and walked past her and the two walked over to the Chief. He looked at the two with a smile but backed away slightly at Melinda. Aaron looked at Melinda before turning back to him. "Got anything?" The Chief asks and Melinda got straight to business, "We are wondering if there has been anyone who has worked at the restaurant before?" The Chief nodded, "There's a lot of people." Aaron began to profile the man they were looking for, "He probably doesn't do well with others, but a certain few. He is trusted by everyone in the city." The Chief thought for a second before he found out who they were thinking of. He looked at them with assertion as he knew who they were looking for. He replied, "Jack Hamell. He not only used to work for the restaurant but he now works as a plumber. With the weather here some of the pipes fill up with ice and he has to get it all out." Melinda and Aaron looked at each other before running to the team and everyone looked at them. They had a name which meant they were close to solving the case. "We got a name." Melinda tells them as Aaron nodded, "Jack Hamell." Daisy looked to her phone that was on speaker the whole times, "Hear that, Penny?" Penelope nodded and hummed, "I did, my little hacker! He is 34, single. He used to work for the restaurant before he was fired and arrested." Derek looked at Daisy's phone in confusion, "For what?" Penelope hummed as she was typing to figure out what he did, "He was framed for killing a customer." David gestured to the phone, "That could be the stressor." Jemma shrugged and then looked at the phone with curiosity, "What happened?" Penelope shook her head, "No one knows. He was soon let out a month ago after they found no proof." Aaron looked at the phone with curiosity, "Address?" Penelope replied happily, "Already sent!" Aaron nodded, "Thanks." Daisy hung up as they make their way out of the station. They got in the vans and made their way to the suspect's house.

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ