Chapter 2

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"You won't win. We will beat you!" I yell at him. He just stares down at me. I can almost hear his horrific laugh at my words. He doesn't say anything but looks down at me with those sightless eyes. Suddenly he raises his staff and drives the pointed end at my chest. I hear a howl and my wolf jumps in front of me, pushing me back with a swift kick of his hind paws. Just before I land on my back I let out a scream as I see the staff pierce into my beloved wolfs' side.

I wake up as a real scream escapes my lips. My roommate almost falls out of the bed above me as I sit up and hit my head on the underside of our bunked beds. "What the heck?!" she yells. "Why are you screaming?! Is someone in our room?!" I hear her fumble around for her glasses on the night stand. Before she can find them I'm out of my bed, pulling on a jacket over my sports bra and sleep shorts, grabbing my keys and running out of our dorm room. I have to find my wolf. I have to make sure he is okay.

I race out down the stairs and out of our dorm passing the few people up for early classes or out for early morning runs. I can tell its early, there is still a thick layer of fog laying over the ground and the sun is just starting to show over the horizon. "Will he be there? I never go to our spot this early." I think to myself as I run not even caring as my bare feet slap the dirty ground under me. "Please just be there. I need to know your safe!"

I run down the little hill that leads to the path into the woods. Finally I see the big Y shaped tree telling me to step off the path just to the left of the tree and keep going straight till I reach my clearing. I keep running even though I can no longer breath and my sides are hurt. I was just to worried about my wolf.

Seeing a opening ahead of me I know I'm almost there. Taking the last few steps I almost collapse into the clearing. Steadying myself I look around trying to find my wolfs' shape in the dark shadows. Over to my right I hear an odd noise almost like a bark. Looking over I see my wolf laying there staring at me like he had just woken up. Seeing him I run to him and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as I could. He makes a yelping noise but relaxes after a second.

I sit back, tears falling down my face. He sees my tears. A sudden worried look comes across his face. He wines and licks my cheeks, rubbing his muzzle on me, trying to make my tears stop. Once they begin to slow he lays down with his head in my lap, comforting me. I run my hand along his back feeling his slick, smooth fur between my fingers. Just the feel of his fur helps calm me down more and soon enough I stop crying. Feeling my shaking body start to relax my wolf looks up at me, questioning me with his beautiful, soul searching eyes.

"I had a horrible dream" I tell him. He brings his lower body closer to me, wrapping himself around my small legs. "I was in a desert," I tell him still stroking his fur. "There was this tall creature holding a staff and he was trying to do something to me but I can't remember what he wanted. I told him that he couldn't win. I told him we would beat him but I don't know who we are." I looked down at him. He had that odd look on his face again but he was listening to me, his eyes fully focused on my face as I spoke.

My body started to shake again. He sat up and looked at me, clearly worried if I was alright. "After I told him we would beat him, he raised his staff and tried to stab me but you jumped in front of me out of no where and knocked me down. He stabbed you just as I hit the ground." I started crying again. My wolf moved closer to me. He pushed his head against mine, rubbing the side of my face with his. We both just sat there for a few minutes until my crying had slowed.

"I was so scared something had happened to you." I told him. "I was so scared." He sat back again and looked at me. It was almost like he wanted to tell me something but of course he couldn't since he was a wolf. "The creature was so scary looking. He had a mask on almost it seemed. He his eyes..." I paused remembering how his sightless eyes looked at me. "They were the worse things I have ever seen. It was like he was looking right into my heart and stealing every bit of happiness and hope I had in me. I remember his name now... his name was F.E.A.R."

As soon as I said F.E.A.R. the world seemed to swirl around us. The already dark sky grew even darker and the wind picked up. From the shadows across the clearing I saw movement. My wolf saw it too and he jumped up in front of me blocking me from the creature. All the fur on the back of his neck was standing straight up and he was growling the fiercest growl I had ever heard come from him. It was almost as scary as the creature that was slowly walking towards us, his staff raised and ready to strike.

"What do you want?" I ask as he comes to a stop in front of us. "Your fear..." he hisses at me. I step back, fear totally consuming me. Only my wolf protecting me was keeping me from curling into a ball on the ground and crying. He raised his staff higher and brought it down towards us.

My wolf jumped at him, grabbing a hold of his arm and biting as hard as he could. The creature screamed a scream that sounded like it held all of the bad in the world. He flung my wolf off of his arm where he crashed into a nearby tree and fell to the ground. The creature turned back to me and came forward; staff raised. I tried to scream, to run, to do anything but just stand there frozen. I couldn't do anything. He swung his staff down towards me. I stood there and watched as it came closer and closer. Right as his staff started slipping into my skin in my side, my wolf attacked the creature from behind causing him to pull his staff out of me before it goes to deep.

I fall to the ground, blood already starting to soak into the ground under me. I stare at the sky and listen to the sounds of my wolf and the creature fighting. Slowly the world starts to go darker and darker, taking on shades of black and gray. A strong wind blows by me then all things go silent in the clearing. My wolf's face appears in my vision but his face starts to go all blurry. Suddenly it isn't a wolfs face I see but the face of my favorite singer.

Its the face of Andy Biersack. The last thing I see before everything goes black is his piercing blue eyes looking anxiously into my face. He says something to my but I can't hear what he says. The last thought in my head is how much Andy's eyes look just like my wolf's eyes.

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