"I told him that this was my home. My community. I can't just abandon them. What about you?"

"I told her that I didn't need a backup and that I was living in the moment. Enough about that. Let's go home."


It was the next morning. I was exhausted and sore from last night's game, but when I went to take a warm shower, there wasn't any hot water. I still took my shower and then went to have breakfast with my mom, Spencer, and Dillon.

"Well, look who decided to get up." My mom gave me the look as I sat down at the table.

"I'm definitely up now. No hot water again?" I asked her as she handed me breakfast.

"Just behind on the gas bill, that's all." We all looked at her. "It's fine. I get paid this week. Besides, a cold-" Dillon, Spencer, and I cut her off.

"A cold shower now and then is good for the soul."

"Smart asses." She rolled her eyes.


"Beverly Hills though?" Coop asked us after we'd explained everything to her.

"Crazy, right?" Spence asked her.

"Yeah, man. Either of you tell your mom?"

"Nah, you know how she gets." I reminded Coop.

"I'm telling you, man, that woman don't play. If Grace finds out you got a shot like this, you'd be eating mayonnaise sandwiches by the end of the night."

"Man, what is it with white people and mayonnaise?" I asked her.

"I don't know." Coop answered. "Damn, Shassy, that booty looking juicy." Coop commented as we kept walking down the halls.

"Coop, those girls roll with Shawn." Spencer pointed out. "You really want to play like that?"

"Listen, that weakass wanna-be gangbanger can't touch me. Plus, I got you two for backup anyway."

"Aye, look, man, I'm all for some harmless flirting just be careful. You're forgetting what Shawn's capable of."


Spence and I left our physics class only to see Shawn all up in Coop's face.

"Hey. Hey." We caught up to the two. I got in between them and Spencer pushed Shawn back.

"What's up? You only beat up on females now, Shawn?"

"Female my ass. She's a man, more like it." Shawn riled Spencer up, knowing it would get to him. He pushed Shawn and when one of his friends threw a punch at Coop, I got involved. No way this was going to end well.


Spence and I walked home, waiting for the whooping we both knew we were gonna get. When we got inside, mom was there looking disappointed.

"We can explain." I told her.

"You don't have to. The Bakers already explained everything." She pointed to the couch where Billy and Riley Baker were sitting.

"How you doing, Spencer?" Baker asked him.

"How 'bout you, Katelynn?" Coach asked me.

"How could you two not tell me this?"


"No, do not 'mom' me right now."

"So that's how it is?" I asked them. "We say no and you just go around us?"

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