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I do not own the All American cast, but I do own the following original characters; Katelynn James, Jordanna Adams, Mia Parker, Jane Hartley, Riley Baker, and Dalia Jackson.

Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of Forgive And Forget-Olivia Baker

"Game tied 56-56 with 12 seconds left. Crenshaw has possession. If they make a shot, they win the game."

"All right, all right. Let's get this dub." Our point guard, my best friend Dalia Jackson, who also happened to be my twin brother's best friend's sister. "Coach said to run Chargers."

"Man, their forwards have been sitting on that all night." I pointed out.

"And what do you suggest we do, Katelynn?" She asked me.

"Double screen iso on inbound. Get the ball to me and we will win this game." I assured them.

"Man, if we don't score here, Coach is gonna kill us." Dalia shook her head and went to inbound the ball. "Break!" We ran the play and I got the ball with 4 seconds left. I dribbled up. 3 seconds. I hesitated and drove down the lane. 2 seconds. I shot faked. 1 second. I put the ball in the air and the buzzer sounded. Everyone in the crowd watched as the ball hit off the rim. Once. Twice. It rolled around and went in and the crowd erupted in applause. My teammates picked me up and carried me on their shoulders. Well, until a shot rang out. We didn't know where it had come from, but the crowd spilled out of the stands, ducking for cover and my team ran into the locker room.


I was leaving the locker room, getting ready to go meet my brother Spencer outside, but a woman stopped me. "Katelynn James?" I turned around startled.

"My bad, I, uh, didn't mean to startle you. Geez, it's like, one minute you're scoring, and then the next...another day in the neighborhood. Yeah. Riley Baker, varsity coach, Beverly High." I shook her hand.

"Beverly Hills, huh?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll cut to the chase, Katelynn, I've had my eye on you. You got a good shot, you're strong on the double team. Saw the film with the 55 points against FairFax last season. Yeah, I need you to come play for me."

"Play for you?"

" Play for me."

"But you can't recruit." I pointed out. "I mean, I'm sorry. Those are the rules. Season's started. I switch teams, I'm benched three months."

"Not with me. I can get around that. Now, I'm assuming you want to play pro eventually. Am I right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yeah, well, I can help out with that. You know, South Crenshaw, you got a strong team, and Beverly Hills, we've had a couple of rough seasons, but I'm gonna turn that around this year. Plus ,we can offer you something that Crenshaw can't."

"Is that right?"

"A better education at a safer school. I can get you a way out. Look, I played in the WNBA, all right, for a couple years before I busted my leg, but I still have all those contacts. I can make all your WNBA dreams a reality. But, take it from me, from experience, every player out there is just one injury away from needing a backup plan."

"Look, I appreciate the offer, Coach, but, uh..." My brother came into the gym. "I don't need a backup." I ran up to my brother.

"Who was that?" He asked me.

"Coach Riley Baker from Beverly High. Just tried to recruit me."
"Really? Billy Baker tried to recruit me the other night."

"And what'd you say?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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