"Hmm looks like someone is moving in", Novanni said then made a left turn, driving into the parking garage that's across the street from apartment building. She parked in her apartment number space then cut the car off before exiting.

Novanni walked to the entrance to see the men done with boxes then seen all of them exit the building, then got into the truck some guys into their cars and left. Novanni proceeded to walk into the apartment building and took one of the elevators to the last floor, which was the fifteen. The elevator doors open and she clicked number fifteen and the door shut, not waiting very long the elevator door ding and the doors open. Novanni exited and she heard that other elevator ding right beside her. She turned around to see a woman struggling but she couldn't see her face due to the boxes blocking her face. Novanni chuckled lowly seeing the woman struggle trying to balance two boxes that are too big for her to carry, since she couldn't see where she was going.

"Do you need some help?", Novanni asked the woman.

"Please", she said desperately and Novanni went over to carry the boxes, which block her view as well.

"These are some tall boxes", she stated

"Indeed they are", the unknown woman agreed. 

"So where do you live?", Novanni ask waiting patiently as she stood holding boxes.

"Um right this way", the woman said then turned around and begin walking.

"I can't exactly see so, you going to have to direct me", Novanni said and the woman chuckles in embarrassment.

"Right, sorry about that but move foreward and I tell you when to stop", she said and Novanni let a small chuckle before beginning to move forward and the woman starts walking again, look back every once in a while to make sure she doesn't drop those boxes. They were getting closer and closer to her door.

"All right stop", the woman said and Novanni stop immediately. She was only standing a foot or two away from her.

The woman open her door wide open and turned around to meet the other women to get the boxes.

"Okay so I'll take these", the woman said gripping the boxes before taking it out of her hands.

"Are you sure?", Novanni asks.

"Yep, I got it", the woman said wobbling into her apartment then planted the boxs carefully down on the floor.

Novanni quickly diverted her eyes from looking at the womens backside as soon as felt herself twitch. The young lady turn around to thank the woman, who help her. When their eyes met eachother what struck them first was their height difference. Novanni had to really look down at the young lady. The unknown woman stuck her hand out to introduce herself.

"I'm R-Rajaleia", the woman stutter  surprising her self. She never stutter,  she always spoke with confidence no matter who it is.

"The names Novanni", Novanni introduce herself smoothly as she shook Rajaleia's out stretch hand.

"You're really tall", Rajaleia said still shaking her hand and Novanni let out a giggle.

'She has a beautiful smile', Rajaleia thought to herself.

"It's the heels. They make me look like I'm six feet but really I'm five ten", Novanni said showing the heels that are on her feet to the woman.

"Oh", Rajaleia said as she noticed there hands are still intact. She feels blood rush up to her face from how soft they are and slowly retreat her hand back.

She was glad that she was dark skin because it would've been embarrassing if Novanni notice the girl blushing.

"Well thank you for helping me Novanni", Rajaleia said.

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