The Fairy Princess

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful fairy princess. She had fallen in love with a guy. They had gotten married, but years later, tragedy befell the two. The man she'd fallen in love with died in a series of horrible accidents. But that's not why he died. He died of old age. 

Anyway, the fairy princess was heartbroken. The witch seized her opportunity. She had heard that marrying a fairy would grant you eternal life, and the witch was in serious need of eternal life. But unfortunately, the fairy was a girl. So she turned him into a guy. 

The witch tried to get the now male fairy to love her. But he wouldn't. He still loved the man who'd fallen off the road. The fairy princess guy refused and hid in his house, locking out the witch.

The fairy princess dude tried to become a girl again. Oh how she/he tried. But the fathest he/she got was being able to see himself as a girl in a mirror or window. So he wa forced to remain a dude. He did find that he liked frosting.

And so the witch's reign began. 

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