three ~ scotland

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Pietro POV

The apartment door is unlocked, just as I left it. All I hear is silence on the other side of the door—Wanda must be asleep. Quiet as I can, I open the door and set down the bag of takeout I left to pick up. The first thing I see is Vision kissing my sister.

"Should I go?" I ask awkwardly, causing them to separate.

"Stop it, brother. You just miss your girlfriend," Wanda teases.

"Shut up," I grumble. As much as I miss Kat, one, it's weird seeing my little sister with a boyfriend, and two, aforementioned boyfriend is made of metal.

"Aw. You do miss her," Wanda says.

"Ross is going to be nosing around soon, looking for Vision. Then we'll all be in trouble," I say. "Besides, I'm sick and tired of going out alone."

"You worry too much, brother," Wanda says, grabbing her jacket. Vision grabs his as well, and the three of us leave the apartment. "There's a ten A.M. to Glasgow, which would give us all more time together before you go back, Vis."

"What if I miss that train?" Vision answers.

"Take another," I say pointedly, pulling my sister against me in a brotherly way.

"What if I missed all the trains?" Vision asks. "What if this time, I didn't go back?" I sigh in annoyance—ever since Vision started paying us visits, every time he's here, I become a third wheel, and I hate it, especially because I haven't heard from Kat in a while.

"But you gave Stark your word," Wanda says.

"I'd rather give it to you." I raise an eyebrow at him suspiciously.

"There are people expecting Pietro and me, too. We both made promises," Wanda says.

"Not to each other," Vision says. The TVs in the shop window behind him all switch from various ads to something much, much worse.

"Guys? Are you seeing this?" I ask, pointing to the screens. New York is being decimated as an alien spaceship descends from the sky. Stark is flying around in his suit, along with the spider kid from two years ago.

"What's happening?" Wanda gasps, staring at the screens.

"Last time I heard from Kat, she said she was going to New York to visit the others," I say, worry rising in me. "Is she...she has to be okay."

"What are they?" Wanda asks.

"What the stone was warning me about," Vision answers gravely. Tony's picture flashes onscreen as the broadcast declares him missing in action. I feel the burn phone in my pocket vibrate with a call from a blocked ID. Though I'm cautious, I answer it.

"Hi, Pietro. It's me," a familiar voice on the other end of the line says.

"Oh, God. Kat. You're okay," I sigh in relief. "What happened in New York? It's all over the news where I'm at."

"Long story short, New York was attacked by aliens who are looking for Infinity Stones. They're six magic rocks that control the universe. You, Wanda, and Vision are all in danger," she says. "You need to get back to New York as soon as possible."

"Vision, no, if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea," I hear Wanda saying.

"Give me a second, Kat." I put the phone on speaker. "Tell them what you just told me."

"Hi, guys. Aliens who are looking for Infinity Stones attacked New York. I'm fine. I'm back at the compound right now. But you all need to come to New York. Especially Vision," Kat says.

Vision groans in pain as he's stabbed by some sort of space blade. "VISION!" Wanda screams. She readies a counterattack, but she gets thrown into a window some fifteen yards behind her.

"Kat, I love you, but—"

"You're being attacked by aliens?" she finishes. "Go figure. Reinforcements should be showing up soon. I'll see you in New York. I love you, Sil." Before I get a chance to say "I love you, too," she hangs up.

One of the aliens presses his scepter into the Mind Stone on Vision's forehead, and despite my displeasure for the robot, the stone is important, so I run at full speed into the alien, knocking him back. The other alien throws Vision into the air, and Wanda propels herself after him with her powers. I follow them as they take cover and Wanda helps Vision into a sitting position against a brick wall.

"The blade. It stopped me from phasing," Vision groans.

"Is that even possible?" Wanda asks.

"It isn't supposed to be," Vision answers, his voice distorting. "My systems are failing."

"You guys stay here. I'm going to make sure they're not following us," I say as Wanda starts to heal Vision. One of the aliens swoops in and grabs Vision by his neck. "Never mind." The other alien immediately attacks my sister, a dangerous mistake. Wanda gets thrown off the bell tower where we were hiding, making my blood boil, and I dash after the alien, ripping her off my sister and sending her into a flaming truck. "Help Vision!" I shout to Wanda, and she doesn't hesitate, flying up to where Vision's fighting the other alien. The two of them fly off, but Vision falters, and they drop through a glass roof.

In the blink of an eye, I'm there, and I catch my sister before she can get seriously injured. "Thanks," she pants, running toward Vision. "Come on. You gotta get up. We have to go."

"She's right," I say, though it pains me to admit it.

"Please. You both have to leave," Vision pants.

"You asked me to stay," Wanda says.

"Can we do this later?" I ask them callously as the two aliens fall through the ceiling. Wanda and I face them, red energy surrounding her hands. We turn at the sound of a train horn, and once the train passes, a familiar silhouette is standing on the platform. The girl alien throws her scepter at the silhouette, but it's snatched out of midair as a bearded Captain Rogers steps into the light. A man wearing wings flies in, kicking one of the aliens into a glass storefront. A blonde woman comes sliding in on her knees as Captain Rogers throws her the alien scepter, and she pins the alien to the ground. Sam Wilson swoops in, and the male alien ends up on his back, a blade in his chest.

"We don't wanna kill you, but we will," the blonde woman says.

"You'll never get the chance again," the female alien says before she and her partner are beamed up.

"That happened," I sigh, leaning forward to catch my breath.

The blonde woman, who I now recognize as Natasha, returns her blades to the sheaths on her back as she, Steve, and Sam all join us. "Can you stand?" Sam asks Vision as Wanda and I pull the robot to his feet.

"Thank you, Captain," Vision pants.

"How did you know we'd need you?" I ask.

"Later. Let's get you all on the jet," he answers. We all get on the jet and Sam takes us into the air.

"Now, I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances," Natasha says angrily, closing the bay door.

"I'm sorry. We just wanted time," Wanda says.

"Speak for yourself," I mutter. "How did you know we'd need you?"

"Kat called. She filled is in about New York, the aliens, her first vision. Asked us to make sure you all were safe," Steve says. "Are you?"

I look over at Vision. "For the most part."

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asks.

"Home," Steve answers.

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hi guys. author here. i want to make this a little longer than it is, so i'm thinking of incorporating events from no way home for a couple chapters. yay or nay?

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