Amidst my anger I didn't notice Arthur giving something to Lock and muttering something.

"Tired my ass... I haven't done anything today..." I mutterned in frustration.

Groaning, I stomped my way to my bed and made myself fall on it. I closed my eyes. I wanted to get some sleep, but not for resting. I wanted to try and find my dream land and see if Z was there.


I woke up with a gasp, feeling an earthquake. Widening my eyes. I got up from my bed. Was the bad feeling I had felt a warning to this earthquake?

I went to my window in a hurry looking outside. I gasped with wide eyes. There was chaos everywhere. I saw Holy knights fighting some kind of weird looking creature that looked like people who had mutated.

I gritted my teeth, I had been feeling weird all day, Arthur looking like he was going to fight, him being in a meeting room for hours. It was all for preparing for war.

I turned around going to my door. Going to help with the fight.

But before that I went to my wardrobe. I was going to change into my fighting outfit. I paused- my clothes were gone. There were only my regular dresses. I huffed, scoffing. I went to my door to open it, but I couldn't. I kept pushing on the handle, however it wouldn't budge.

"What the hell is happening?!-"

I tried punching it, but again nothing worked. I then realized something. There was a war going on but neither the maids, Lock, or even Arthur had warned me. My fighting clothes were gone. My door was locked.

It all made sense! The reason I was not aware of anything, or not participating in the war, was because they wanted to keep me out of it. I gritted my teeth.

I'm no damn kid! I can make my own choices!

I went to the door again, bringing my fist up, I pounded on it

"Lock open up! I know you're outside! You better open this door or I swear to god!"

He didn't answer, but I knew he was outside, I felt his presence.



"God damn it! Lock!"

Again nothing

"Lock! I will kill-"

"Y/n. Please stop, we're keeping you safe,"

Scoffing, I brought my fist to my face in anger.
"I know that! But it's not your call to make! I'm a grown woman and a fighter trained by the best. I can make my damn own choices! And I want to fight!"

Behind the door Lockwood clenched his fist in anger

"I know. But Arthur gave me this order! And quite frankly I agree with him-! The last time I let you go you got badly hurt! I can't- no I won't let that happen again!"

I softened my eyes and exhaled a sigh,"Oh Lock, I know but what's the point in training me if I can't fight in the end..."

"This is different. T-this is huge! Dangerous! I can't let you out. I'm sorry princess..."

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