Chapter 30: Sakaar

Start from the beginning

"Well, exactly how is unclear. In the flashback we see that the Valkyrie were sent to fight Hela back as she attempted to escape her banishment. Hela absolutely destroys them unfortunately, and another Valkyrie pushes her out of the way from one of Hela's swords, taking the blow herself. I assume she ran after that, being the only one who survived the attack. She's um...well, she's scarred from that trauma. She doesn't believe in the throne anymore, and she's sick of the family squabbles and secrets. She's currently a very heavy drinker who works as a Scrapper for the Grandmaster. She's actually the one who brought Hulk to him. She and Banner are friends. We're in a pickle, because she only agrees to leave Sakaar because Loki makes her remember the pain Hela caused her. She wants to help take her out, or die trying. However, we've kept Hela locked up for the time being, so I don't know how she'll get over her past."

"I don't mean to appear apathetic," Loki started.

"Not that you care if you did," you said.

"Quite right. Anyway, is getting your beloved beast and doctor back not the primary goal of this mission? We do not need Valkyrie."

"First, I just said she's an alcoholic who's trying to drown her sorrows in booze and numbing work, and you think we should just leave her? That's cold, even for you."

"What else did you expect?" Loki smirked.

"Brother, we're not leaving an Asgardian in such an awful place," Thor said.

"Besides, we help people," Wanda added, "The Avengers is slowly becoming the home for people who need second chances."

"Honestly, if I charged rent, I'd be twice as rich with all of the stragglers we're picking up," Tony said, looking as if he was actually contemplating the idea.

"Having to listen to your rules is our payment," Rhodey said.

"It is actually quite a common thing for roommates to help pay for the living expenses, so I have come to understand," Vis said, trying once again to be so adorably helpful.

"Tony's just joking," Wanda explained, "He's rich enough to pay for many more compounds."

"Doesn't mean I'm obligated to," Tony challenged, "I really could make a decent penny," he mused to himself more than the table.

"Can we get back to planning our next space adventure?" Sam asked irritably.

"Right," you said, trying to remember where you'd left off, "So, um, yes, Valkyrie is coming with us. I don't know how we'll convince her, but we have to try. Also, if we overthrow Sakaar, she won't really have a job anymore."

"Overthrow Sakaar?" Tony asked, leaning forward, "No one said anything about overthrowing. Grabbing Jolly Green? Yes. Snatching Drunken War Lady while we're there? Ok. But overthrowing was never part of the plan."

"What plan Tony? This is us, making the plans now. This is me, telling you the plan is to overthrow Sakaar."

"She's got a point," Nat agreed.

"Fine, let me diplomatically rephrase my concern in this way: Why the hell are we attempting to overthrow a glorified garbage can?"

"Because there are innocent people locked away who will be killed for someone else's entertainment if we don't help."

"Oh no, so sad," Loki said mockingly.

"Behave, will you?" you shot at him, though you couldn't hold back a small smile. He was blatantly being cruel about the lives of others, yet he does it in such a classic Loki way that it's hard to be mad at him.

"Two guys in particular, Korg and Miek, become good friends of Thor's. We need to free them. Also, Korg is the funniest, most adorable character you will ever meet."

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